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Everything posted by bragut

  1. bragut

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    Crafting items is a good idea for a survival simulation like Dayz. I suggest also repair/broke system for items, so people need to fix weapons and items. Some kind of "health system" but for items
  2. bragut

    Build Hotfix

    I think so. I thought that kind of ultra-fast respawn time was simply a "test" in patch 1.5.7, and planned to be fixed with the next update. Am I wrong?
  3. bragut

    Crazy Zombie Spawns

    THIS! Totally agree with you. Dayz mod is about realism. What realism if zombies respawn in front of you after you killed them? Fix It, and Dayz will be a better survival simulation
  4. bragut

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    No change to respawn time of zombies??