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Fatty McButterpants

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Everything posted by Fatty McButterpants

  1. Why hello there! I've been playing for 2 months or so, almost entirely with my brother. I'm looking for anyone who's tired of lone wolfing it! I'm GMT-6, so around there would be preferable. DayZ Commander screws with my internet and makes Vent/Skype very prone to crashing, so I use a public TS. Add my Steam, Mr_Dicklesberg, if you'd want to join up!
  2. Fatty McButterpants

    brand new player looking for buddies

    Grant, if you want to play, my Steam is Mr_Dicklesberg
  3. Fatty McButterpants

    New to DayZ and need partner!

    Hopping on the bandwagon, geared player here who's friend can't play for a while so I need new friends! My Steam is Mr_Dicklesberg and my Skype is Huzzamster.
  4. Fatty McButterpants

    brand new player looking for buddies

    Hey, I'd like to join as well. The guy I usually play with can't play for a while so I'm just sitting around doing nothing ><
  5. Fatty McButterpants

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame name: Fatty McButterpants Steam Name: mr_dicklesberg Age: 18 Mic: Roger Preferred role: Sniper (Have M24 currently) Timezone: GMt-6 How often do you play a day and at what times: Usually every day, MWFSa, afternoon and night. Su,Tu,Thur noon or so, then after 8.
  6. Fatty McButterpants

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hola guys. I could really use a transfusion, zombie got a super lucky hit and knocked me about for what seemed like 3 hours. I'm at 1400 blood, just south of Mysta, i believe it's called. Can anyone help?