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Everything posted by Phineas

  1. I used the search function, only a mention ArmAII settings and this is the SA. How do I get out of anaglyphic mode?
  2. Other games do not suffer and anaglyphic modes are not graphic card tech I do not think. It is 2 render passes, one red, one cyan. There are other options to control color preservation. Anaglyphs impose limitations. But I digress, how do I disable it?
  3. No one else would do it, so I did. Any news on why they have been down for over a week and no official ETA beyond rumor should be posted here. This is not a rant at all, I just want to help people manage their expectations, and focus on the Experimental Server downtime. Professional code developers would conduct a retrospective, a post mortem, a "how did we drop the ball and how will we not drop it in the future" meeting. After setting the ping time to 500ms and waiting forever, the only server with version 0.45.123906 is called "Hicks", aka the big kahuna of DayZ, and it is locked. No other servers are available. Please post updates to the experimental server pool here. A sticky would be great. Thank you.
  4. Mixed feelings all over, but I hope your next project is as ground breaking as DayZ was. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-02-24-dean-hall-to-leave-bohemia-and-step-down-as-leader-of-dayz :unsure:
  5. Phineas

    Tip: Never go into one of these buildings

    I hope you can find parachutes for BASE jumping.
  6. I met friendlies and think it's fun, taught him how to pick berries and found a fountain to get started. Another time I ran with some 3 others, and they all wore yellow raincoats so they could identify each other, that was cool, but I strayed, went to the NE Airport, and was crouched in one of the 2 story tents that still spawn loot, and a bandit ran up to me and got a shot off, but I had a sawed off shotgun and gave him both barrels. In less than 3 minutes I was dead, still trying how to carry the best m4 I'd ever seen from the bandit and my shotty. The 2nd guy had a mosin and knew exactly what he was doing, I didn't have a tenth of a second to react. I believe I was shot through an airport tower wall, because I was on the ground floor, and being paranoid I shut the doors behind me now. Looted the place and then was just trying to organize my bag when shots rang out and I died. I then heard the footsteps come around and enter the building, there are no windows on the ground floor. This morning I met a player who asked if I was friendly, I said yes, and killed two z's with my ax before we both went into the firehouse, and after about 20 seconds he decided to kill me. Friendlies are much more fun than hackers, bandits, or just bored folks.
  7. Phineas


    L :blink: :blink: K, devs, we are jamming stuff in our keyboards to spare RSI/Carpal tunnel and associated "holding this key for 10, 20, 30 minutes is permanent damage" to our precious phalanges. A class action lawsuit over damaged W and E keys could cost you, well, not much, but if autorun entails heart attack, so be it. I am not AFK when jamming, and adjust course, but for reals, it's what non-hackers do to cover terrain. Oops, said too much already. Not a hacker, but what a taboo subject.
  8. Sure has been raining a lot in DayZ land. Well, off in experimental, you can get soaked. I don't know what it means, but it isn't good, and now I'm afraid of the rain. And my arm was fractured!
  9. Hello, at this point in time (Feb 20, 2014) the stable version appears to be 0.36.115188 and the experimental version is 0.36.115535. I launched the experimental client and when I click "change server" every server has a red X and has the stable version, no servers on the experimental version. Does this work, I know many are playing experimental, but I cannot seem to get off the ground. Sorry for what will probably be a short thread.
  10. Phineas

    experimental server browsing

    When I searched on gametracker I only saw 5 experimental servers in the whole world, and none come up in the server browser. I'm in Northern California, so I expected to see tons, Los Angeles is only 600 miles away.
  11. Weird topic is weird. I play as a female because I can, so there. The model is not overly busty, looks more like a military girl, which is pretty unusual for video games. In the experimental branch, she even breathes like a girl instead of a guy which really helps. As to number of girls who play, there are enough. What does that mean? Nothing. One thing is for sure, girls don't like being the focus of weird attention, and like to be more than just a girl, much like none of us are just a guy and that is all. Pretty strange everyone trying to be so unique but cannot apply that lens to the opposite sex. That said, if there was an obese slovenly male model, I'd try that one, or an extremely elderly male, I'd do that one too.
  12. Phineas

    experimental server browsing

    The options under Filter Settings are: Host:, Mission:, Max ping, Min. players, Max players, Full server, Passworded, BattlEye required, Cancel, Default, OK Standard server view is still not showing experimental servers.
  13. Phineas

    experimental server browsing

    I just went to Steam, and opted into the experimental version, now it says "[EXPERIMENTAL]" in the game list. Launched it as normal and the upper right has the version. But mama raised no fool, and I'm playing now. =) http://www.gametracker.com/search/dayz/?query=experimental
  14. Phineas

    Voice recorder suggestion

    I think the pens and paper already kind of do this without voice. Have you tried it? I have not yet but I've seen many images of it. It would be neat to confirm if it has any internationalization, да? Edit: after "i18n" I wrote Da, but used the cyrillic D (looks like a squarish A). So boards don't like it.
  15. Phineas

    Magnum sucks for breaking legs

    357 posts :o
  16. I'd like to see zombie animals and rabid dogs too. Rabies is a particularly scary disease in that it makes you stark raving mad before you die. Any kind of hallucinations would be neat, especially scary ones. Sounds, things that are not there, involuntary movement, and running away no matter what.
  17. Phineas

    Dayz sucking down internet?

    Try a speed test on a network provider site, your ISP may offer a speed test. If you use cable it could be neighbors. If you share it could be roommates or family watching netflix. It could be a lot of things, including the alpha nature of the game, or your ISP throttling you thinking the protocol is something they do not like. A sticky wicket. Are you on the stable or experimental branch? I'm downloading the experimental now, it's supposed to be even more frustrating. :rolleyes:
  18. Phineas

    Search before you post

    Noice. Regex = Regular Expression, aka finite state automaton, aka lexical analyzer. Unix "grep" = Generate Regular Expression and Print. Most people only know * but it's a biggie.
  19. Phineas

    Search before you post

    I was over at the reddit dayz board and came across the experimental branch info, which I had no idea about until then. When I searched "experimental server" I got 1 result (a dev log), and even "experimental" gave 1 result, so I was going to start a "why isn't everyone on experimental?" thread when the search function popped up with many results. Which was weird but also helpful, so I posted in the "worth it" section. Nice to see features added though, have my beans SmashT.
  20. Phineas

    Experimental, is it worth it?

    I just realized there are two branches to this alpha, and that stuck me odd. Here I knew it was alpha and I would be filing bugs and it has a fraction of the features the mod has, but I wanted my front row seat and here was in coach? Experimental has the newest features and I can contribute more if I get to try them before they enter that nebulous area of stable alpha. Why are there so few experimental servers? Are the devs afraid of too much attention there too? :ph34r:
  21. Phineas

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    I saw something that surprised me. A survivor ran off the hospital roof, when I looked over the edge expecting to see a dead body, I saw instead the survivor continue running, right through the buildings. I think this is wall hacking but it looked like no clip. I then started recording and decided it was time to go hide, and died in 30 seconds with no one near me, no shot, I was healthy too. I did hear a kind of muffled whump which could have been a melee hit but I was alone on the roof. 30 seconds:
  22. Phineas

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Never heard of it. I was researching: http://dayzdb.com/guide/11-standalone-status-effects Nothing about a heart attack but maybe it :( [urk] *thud*
  23. Phineas

    What's your favorite town or part of the map?

    Sunset at the coast was just beautiful. That was in the mod, I have not seen it in the SA yet but the colors, the colors. Blues and oranges and purples and yellow. Slowly fading to ruddy reds and finally night. I would run for the coast and just stare, looking at how the pier towers changed in the light.
  24. I like that you can walk right up to a rabbit, they're as cute as buttons. I don't like that you can run right through a second story wall and fall to your death. And one time I was rubber banded back 4 kilometers into the middle of a small town, slowly turning in circles staring at my feet.
  25. Phineas

    Weapons how do i find these guns?

    That's 2/3rds of the story. You left out the rhesus factor, rh, the +/- one. There are 3 factors to blood: A, B and Rhesus, named after the monkey. If your body has that factor, it can accept blood of that factor. O means neither A nor B. You can have all three: AB+, or you can have none O-. If your body does not have that factor it will reject the blood, basically saying it is an invader. From this it is easy to see that O- is the universal donor, anyone can get his blood because there are no factors. Similarly AB+ is the universal acceptor, has all the factors so can get any type of blood. This is real life, on my donor card it says "O+ Hero" (not kidding, real red cross card) meaning I gave 3x in a year or something. Come to think of it, it's been a while, so give blood IRL. You don't need it anyway. The body is constantly making new blood, and while plasma is replaced in 2-3 days, blood is replaced in 35 days. But your body is constantly replacing blood, the bilirubin from harvesting red blood cells is what makes your poop brown. Really. So, good luck finding guns then. [edit: I'm O+, not O-]