First of all, we were not fireing at the same time. Only I was firing when I hit that dude. Secondly, none of us shot at a viehical. It was our viehicals that you were shooting at and destroying way before we even came across you. Secondly I could give a crap for who you tell. Really, I could. And appologize? For what. The fact that you guys aren't good hackers? Please. Furthermore, you and your six other "Clan" mates can suck it. You don't even have a page Douche! Facebook really? Please. All seven likes.... And please don't try to say you do. That excuse for a forum page wouldn't count for reddit... Get 50 guy's and gals together for more then 8 years and call yourself a clan. Right now, your just a bunch of like minded hack wannabe's. Oh, and FUCK OFF!