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About mendobendo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mendobendo

    admin abuse on Boom Bewm room panthera2

    First of all, we were not fireing at the same time. Only I was firing when I hit that dude. Secondly, none of us shot at a viehical. It was our viehicals that you were shooting at and destroying way before we even came across you. Secondly I could give a crap for who you tell. Really, I could. And appologize? For what. The fact that you guys aren't good hackers? Please. Furthermore, you and your six other "Clan" mates can suck it. You don't even have a page Douche! Facebook really? Please. All seven likes.... And please don't try to say you do. That excuse for a forum page wouldn't count for reddit... Get 50 guy's and gals together for more then 8 years and call yourself a clan. Right now, your just a bunch of like minded hack wannabe's. Oh, and FUCK OFF!
  2. mendobendo

    admin abuse on Boom Bewm room panthera2

    Just to be clear, you were kicked not to keep our loot. We kicked cause we shot one of you with an AS50 Nato rounds and another person shot six times with a DMR and not only did the dude not die, but he didn't even need to bandage himself. We called it a hack and kicked you all. That's where we were coming from. I saw my shot hit with the AS50 and blood squirt from the body but no death... ood... Also, you all just blew up viehicals and didn't loot anything... Also odd. We banned you.