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Everything posted by SkeletonPirate

  1. I saw it on the main page. Survival attempts was highlighted in blue, so i clicked on it, and a Y2K like, survivalist propaganda video popped up. I could only stand to watch a minute or so of it. I move into the regular forums, and they're freakin EVERYWHERE! Most of them just go to stupid ads of some sort. Is this because of the security breach the other day? Is it a way to make money for the site? What gives, Rocket? Anyone else see this crap? One even popped up in MY post!!! the words "WAY TO MAKE MONEY" UWAVOU is the site it's trying to get me to go to... It's fucking Mozilla... Nevermind.
  2. I just joined up! Good stuff... Finally, some nice teamwork & a TS channel!
  3. I see half of the files in my current 1.5.7 ADDONS folder are different from the ones just released by Rocket. Do we just need to download those? Here is whats getting me stuck... 1.5.7 has a total of 14 extracted files I put in the ADDONS folder. I have a .pbo and a .bisign file for each, anim, code, equip,sfx, dayz vehicles, & weapons. Do I Download the 7 new files: dayz_anim_v0.1.rar dayz_code_v1.5.8.2.rar dayz_equip_v1.2.4.rar dayz_sfx_v1.1.1.rar dayz_v1.2.5.rar dayz_vehicles_v0.1.rar dayz_weapons_v1.1.1.rar ...for 1.5.8 and replace those? -PS- (((Do I have to get the NEW files now? The Hotfix.))) Thanks! I just don't want to mess anything up!!!
  4. * dayz_cod1.5.8 * dayz_equip1.2.4 * dayz_sfx1.1.1 * dayz1.2.5 * dayz_weapons1.1.1 Those are the 5 new files in question...
  5. SkeletonPirate

    Build Hotfix

    So, do we need to Download those files now? Is obsolete?
  6. SkeletonPirate

    Build Hotfix

    This man is FAST!!!
  7. SkeletonPirate

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Salty tears??? HA! This forum is NOTHING like the forum for the game in which I have migrated to DAYZ from... BF3. The EAUK forums are literally called Mordor, for good reason. Even the Devs refer to it as such. We have all cried, & cried, & cried some more to the DICE Devs, to no avail. About content, balancing, key features of the game not being there, patches, support, customer service, communication. The list goes on and on... http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-3/1478854-moding-officially-dead-heres-proof.html Theres the thread in which I found out about ARMA 2's DayZ MOD. 553 replies, and growing. Everyone loves this game. The Devs, (Dev) actually listen to it's consumers here. I think I'm happy here.
  8. SkeletonPirate

    Roaming zombies - Is it possible?

    I support this idea 100%!
  9. SkeletonPirate

    Name indicator

    I think the name should pop up within 20-30 meters. That gets my vote. Scanning the treeline or horizons for a name thats 300 yards away is kinda goofy in my opinion.
  10. ...would be absolutely terrifying. Thoughts? PS- Since they're not currently in the woods, What happens if you lead a bunch of zombies into the woods, and you get killed by them? Do they eat you, and then walk back into town? Do they disappear? I thought I remember in a video, alot of zombies ate a guy, then started to disappear, because they were in a location too far from their 'homebase'.
  11. SkeletonPirate

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    The running zombies are ok, but should have much shorter bursts of running. Right now, they're ALWAYS on your heels, not giving you much time to turn, aim and fire, or apply a bandge if you were hit. I think it would be cool if they just fell to prone once in a while, or just didnt run as fast (they actually run FASTER to catch up) as you.
  12. SkeletonPirate

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Thanks! Yea, I have 1.5.7. I've been playing for the past few days. Sometimes new versions of MODS have different ways of being installed, and since it will probably hit tongiht, I wanted to make sure I know how to install this one.
  13. SkeletonPirate

    How to tell if nametags are enabled?

    Are'nt there commands to wave your arms in the air? (Like ya just don't care) ...and to give silent signals to squad mates? I saw that in an ARMA 2 video. ACE, something...
  14. SkeletonPirate

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    FRIENDLY!!!! :D How complicated will the patch be in regards to installing it? t first with the unpacking of files, in a specific folder, it confused me a bit. Yes, I'm a noob to ARMA2, and it's MOD system. Will we have to delete the previous version? Does it automatically overwrite the old one? Etc. How were the previous patches installation handled? Thanks!!!