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Posts posted by cheese_

  1. you cannot fill a bottle halfway, ingame! You would have to drink half of it. 


    you can't add rice to the bottle either so they need to do all of it.

  2. not only defecate, but also loosing energy levels so that when you log back, your character is not in all green conditions. Also, eating rice should increase the duration of the logout period, since it dries up your bowels too, making it more difficult to take a dump.


    /sarcasm off


    Eating raw rice is not easy. And take a long time because you need to grind it to a powder in your mouth before you swallow. Or you going to get really bad stomach problems because no one can eat 1 kg raw rice. So i like to se that you take a water bottle fill it halfway with water then add rice and let is swell then you can eat it without problem.

  3. Jesus... what is next? You join a server and your character is now pissing on the ground lol.

    Come on.

    We need to prioritise. We can't get all good stuff at once. Shit first then piss drinking next. Have you ever seen Bear Grylls he is jumping out of a heli after 2 minutes he is drinking his own piss. Just think the possibilities. Hold up someone and then drink his piss right out of the tap.

  4. A: "Hey!! Damn, someone is shooting at me!"

    B: "Hurry, get to cover and let's take a big shit!!!"

    A: "Yes, and let's fart as loud as we can! We must overcome the noise of guns shooting!"

    Yep, good idea.

    A: "Hey!! Damn, someone is shooting at me!"

    B: "Hurry, get to cover.

    A: "OMG i just shit myself :/ my sphincter just released everything and the sound OMG. I just shit my pants......."



    so yes you are correct my man

  5. Lol i was beign sarcastic.....

    you weren't :) you started to understand the concept. Think all the server jumpers that only do military bases. They jump in loot jump out. Next server jump in jump out get the time penalty. And continues to they got all they need. But wait a sec. if to many do this there will be shit everywhere and shit = diseases. So jumpers will help kill each other.

  6. You know when you log out with the new patch,your charachter performs a sitting animation,why on earth would you want to add an H of Rocket's idea making it a shitting animation?

    not add. just replace sitting animation with shitting animation. We don't need both that would be foolish. You need to shit sometimes.

  7. Does it realy need to be like Rust where you have to build a bed to save progress-logout etc etc...Your idea is shit.... literally


    Edit:I believe OP's just trolling,either way this idea is only suited for the Graveyard.

    Trolling no. why not? if he going to have pooping in game why not when you log off. Then you don't need to see it. And if you logout in a safe spot no one else does either. but if you do it in combat. then you get the chans to shoot the dude when he is taking a shit.

  8. i like to see a pooping animation when your character logging out. So normal logout is a 30 sec animation of your character taking a shit. And he leave a pile of poop behind him. This way you can se if the dude that you where following into the hous but never got back out did logoff. And if you logout in combat you should do the pooping animatin + sound for 1 minut or more. And make the sound loud for combat log not normal. Normal logout is no sound.

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