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About Windmill

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    On the Coast
  1. Windmill

    Remove Human AI

    These are the personal opinions of a few people I know and I. The addition of human AI in DayZ is, at least for myself and several others I know, goes against everything that makes DayZ fun. I understand their function allows for really interesting game systems, such as AI missions which cause players across the server to come together to try to get high-reward loot in a high-risk situation. That's really cool, but the AI are not. To give some background, when Arma 2 first came out, a sizable group and I would spend hundreds of hours in pseudo-realistic operations fighting against AI. One thing I've learned: There is nothing satisfying in fighting them. They are clunky, sharpshooting and cheating. They can react to your position without any visual and, when observed, they just look stupid. They stand around in awkward formations and positions looking off in every direction to a cringe-worthy level, but at least it's a clear identifier that they are, in fact, AI and not another player. Sometimes, though, it's incredibly hard to tell they are AI. Knowing they are AI completely changes how players (at least myself) react to them. Playing against AI is learning a system and exploiting it (like how we deal with zombies), whereas playing against players is entirely dynamic and act exactly how a person should because they're people. So, when I'm skirting a ridge-line to get a better position, outflank, recon, etc and get blasted because of a dude who, had he been a human, shouldn't have known to come get me from the other side of the ridge only because I entered a radius. When I am killed by a player I think, "[bleep], that mother [bleep]er [bleep]ing got me". I am sometimes frustrated, yes, but I know I was outsmarted, and I love that. The rush of outsmarting another person and ultimately taking them out when the stakes are so high is what makes this game so worthwhile. When an AI kills me, though, I am frustrated in an entirely different way. I lost hours of work to a piece of [bleep] computer who has a finite number of predictable and clunky (and sometimes seemingly cheating) systems. Lets assume I'm completely incorrect about AI, and they operate entirely fairly. There is nothing satisfying, as I've mentioned before, in fighting them. The intensity of getting into a firefight with another player, knowing hours of collecting supplies and equipment, is not there when fighting AI. Interaction with other players is inherently better than even perfectly operational AI, and DayZ, in the past, has captured interaction between people better than any other game I've ever played. By adding human AI that experience is diluted. If anyone else feels similarly, please add your voice here. Thanks.
  2. I love Lingor, but, like trav mentioned it's rather buggy because of the lack of updates. Really good servers, though, both Chernarus and Lingor. Amazing community of people that seems to be growing pretty steadily. Giving it some though, it's safe to say I've consistently had the best experiences on Yacht DayZ servers
  3. Windmill

    Lingor Harvesting Wood Issue

    I would, but walking near a building is rather treacherous when I can't stake conscious for more than half a minute. For future reference, where should I have posted this thread?
  4. I can't seem to harvest wood from a single tree. That's an issue because I have ~2,000 blood, a bunch of raw meat and no way to cook it without some wood. So, I really can't do anything until I get wood as I'm passing out every 30 seconds. Is there a specific tree that actually works on Lingor? Any help would be REALLY appreciated; this is kind of frustrating.
  5. Windmill

    Respawn Confirmation

    I was thinking this, myself. Luckily for me I have not pressed it myself; though, nor have I been able to survive for a week so far.