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Everything posted by El3utherios

  1. El3utherios

    Zombies are most likely the biggest threat..

    If you're just starting, the terrible AI pathfinding can confuse you (Zombies running far away from you before starting to chase you etc). After a while you get used to it, I've just started sprinting through towns. Very fun scenarios can arise when you sprint through Cherno/Elektro with 30+ Zombies chasing you. It helps to know what kind of buildings you can enter (Zed's have to walk when they go inside), which buildings have more than 1 entrance, which buildings you can enter then just go prone in a corner and zed's won't see you and walk out again. After a while the zombies are more of a nuisance than an actual threat.
  2. "Goes through 8 inches of ballistic gel before tumbling" Ballistic gel acts like artificial tissue, I think you're forgetting that humans have a whole skeleton inside all that tissue. Adult Human bones are very strong. It is about 20 times more difficult to smash a human femur (upper leg) bone than it is to break a equal weight piece of concrete. If a .50 cal hits that, it's gonna shatter the bone, and start tumbling, tearing whatever limb was hit straight off. Or tear a person in two if it hits the hip bone. It's an absolute gruesome weapon. That said, it should take more space. Take the space of the backpack, just like the launcher does. If people want to off other players with 1 shot there should be a massive drawback.
  3. I would like a redesign on melee weapons, with pro's and con's. New "weapon": Table leg / Piece of wood / 2x4 Pro: Very easy to come across, can be upgraded with hammering nails through it if player has a Toolbox. Con: Needs several hits to kill a zombie (less if upgraded with nails) This would take the place of "Extremely easy to find" weapon, like the hatchet is now. Hatchet Pro: Kills zombies in 1 blow, can be used to chop wood Con: Harder to come by, long recovery time between swings Crowbar Pro: Can be used to force open locked doors. Fast recovery between swings. Con: Hard to come by.
  4. El3utherios

    The Bicycle.

    Whenever I find a bike I always put my microphone next to my speakers and play
  5. El3utherios

    Thermal, Night Vision and Flashlights.

    On the contrary, anyone who has ever used NVG's in real life knows you can't look at bright light sources with it. If you tried looking at the kind of light output the flashlight or Road Flare produces with a NVG you'd see nothing but a huge blob of light (depending on range ofc). There are different types of NVG's, the one I used had this problem at least. If someone had NVG's and was exposed to that kind of light they'd have no option but to remove the NVG's or turn around and escape. Also realistically, since our survivors are using both eyes in the NVG's their natural night vision hasn't adapted to how dark it really is, so when taking the NVG's off they'd only be able to see the light sources properly at first, everything else would be pitch black for valuable seconds. So the NVG's would be useful for the first few seconds of an ambush, but a burden later on.
  6. El3utherios

    Nice deathmatch you got there

    As long as killing other players on sight gives you all their stuff, doesn't ruin your game in any way (apart from giving you another skin), and removes the risk of them doing the same to you, the Deatmatch mindset will be in place. There needs to be something implemented that gives players a potential reward for leaving each other alive. Blood Packs alone isn't enough as long as it's so easy to refill lost blood by ourselves.
  7. El3utherios

    Did i do the right thing?

    Might have been on a zombie I killed earlier, the counters were both on 1 so I just figured that's what happened.
  8. El3utherios

    Did i do the right thing?

    I did something similar yesterday, I'm sick to my stomach. I had just entered Cherno from the east, night time, got a Winchester with slugs and that's about it. I enter one of the buildings where there's only glass walls. I see some lights so I go prone and lay still while observing. I start hearing an engine and it's coming my way. Heart starts pounding. Around the corner the headlights come visible, it wasn't a car, just a motorcycle. I'm still laying completely still right next to the glass wall. That's when it happened. The motorcycle turned, probably just to get around an obstacle, but his headlights blinded me and lit up everything around me. I didn't know if the driver had seen me but I panicked and started shooting wildly towards it. A few seconds passed, the engine sound died down. The motorcycle fell over on it's side. Heart still pounding, did the driver jump off? Is he coming to kill me? I didn't even think to check for "xx has been killed" or the debug monitor. Was just lying there for what seemed like minutes. No sounds. I finally checked debug monitor. Murders: 1, with a headshot. Shocked by myself I went over to the motorcycle, picked it up and drove off, didn't even think to loot the corpse. Turned off the headlights so the same fate wouldn't befall me, but it was so dark and I was so sad i ended up driving straight into a car wreck and ruined the motorcycle's tire (dunno if that's what happened, first time I ever used a vehicle, but I could only drive really slow after a crash I had). I drove slowly and saw 2 people, 1 with a ghillie suit. Out of habit I say "Friendly", but I knew I lied. They responded with friendly as well. I got off the bike, just said they could have it and ran away. Ran around Cherno for about a minute looking for med supplies/hospital (not familiar with locations yet). But I got killed after a minute by some dude who stalked me down. If you were the guy on the motorcycle, and you read this: I'M SORRY, I'M TRULY SORRY
  9. El3utherios

    Lingor Island's Anti-alt+F4 system

    It means that your client closes, but your character is still shown on the server for another minute. So if you alt+f4 or lose connection to the server (without leaving the "proper" way) your character is a sitting duck for a minute.
  10. El3utherios


    Was going to make a new topic on this, but replying here instead with what I was going to write. -If playing alone and a player breaks his leg, give him/her the ability to right click wood pile and a new option "use as crutches". Player can now walk upright, moving moderatly faster than crawling. -If playing with 1 other player and one of them breaks a leg and there's no morphine available. Another player can use wood and bandage to splint the leg. Splinting alone doesn't do anything, but when used with crutches can now move greatly faster than crawling. -If playing with 2 or more players and 1 of them breaks a leg, can use scrap metal or wood, and cloth (new item, think tablecloth, bedding, carpet etc.) to make a makeshift stretcher and carry the injured player around (at a cost of increased dehydration for the carrying players).