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About Rusto

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Moscow, Russia
  • Interests
    Music, cinema, England, London
  1. Here is tracert of his IP adress. And, unfortunately, it's really dynamic. http://puu.sh/DPjE You were banned in stream by this faggots
  2. He just said he play with pirate CD-key
  3. Stream is not fucked. He is not banned yet. Just waiting for
  4. He is not so clever to spoof MAC or IP' date=' i think, because he's Russian schoolboy with low intellect. And he doesn't have so much money to buy new CD-key. [hr'] Steam version costs ~25$
  5. Yep, it's him. I think he changed his GUID or key. He must be banned by MAC address of motherboard or smth like that
  6. Cheater is now streaming his game with wallhack cheat on RU3 server! Here is link -> http://www.own3d.tv/Salyaris GUID (not sure) -> 31ec63c8431c3e834e421fd642922601 Ban him please!
  7. Good day! In video you can see nick and his hack Server UK6