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About Nekuriddo

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  1. Nekuriddo

    Banned? Why?

    Ok, thanks a lot
  2. Nekuriddo

    Banned? Why?

    Absolutely not, if i did i wouldn't be here
  3. Nekuriddo

    Banned? Why?

    That would be weird. i don't think so :|
  4. Nekuriddo

    Banned? Why?

    I bought the key from steam. I have not installed anything, just maps from dayz commander
  5. Nekuriddo

    Banned? Why?

    How can someone use my cd-key?
  6. Nekuriddo

    Banned? Why?

    I played Taviana maybe a month ago just fine then stopped playing. Now when i try to login now it says "You were kicked off the game. (battlEye: Global Ban #d8417b)" :( help
  7. Nekuriddo

    Advanced (zombie) infection in SA

    Nobody cares about that shit... are we talking about DayZ plot here? really, who gives a shit? I think it would be a nice game mechanic, just that.... nobody cares about DayZ fucking plot
  8. Nekuriddo

    Advanced (zombie) infection in SA

    I had this idea a while ago where when you were infected you had some time (varies) to get your self an antibiotic or you would turn into a zed (a powerful one, since recently infected) and attack the nearest target (quite possible one of your friends). You would lose control of your character but you'll be able to see what's going on. What's interesting about this is that it recreates those scenes in classic zombie movies where the group mistrusts you. They have the option to kill you or leave you be until you find antibiotics. It's a shame we won't be seeing any of these ideas
  9. Nekuriddo

    DayZ on consoles

    Are you stoned?
  10. Nekuriddo

    DayZ on consoles

    This.... DayZ 2: Cover mechanics, auto aim and a trophy every 5 minutes