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The Merchant

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Everything posted by The Merchant

  1. The Merchant

    M4A3 CCO Camo for DMR

    Just found this absolutely brilliant assault rifle but It does not suit my style, wanting to trade it for a DMR. Will throw in a couple of mags if necessary. Contact me on skype or directly on here. Thank you. John. Sutton
  2. The Merchant


    Hello, I have a ghillie suit to trade, whats it worth to you?
  3. The Merchant

    Items for Trade

    LISTED ITEMS: GPS M4A3 CCO CAMOUFLAGE CHOPPER MAIN-ROTOR ASSEMBALLY CAMO CLOTHING Send me a private message or contact me over skype, I would prefer if the offer was a weapon of some sort, preferably Rare condition as the M4A3 is a very rare find. Thank you for reading, John. Sutton
  4. The Merchant

    Items for Trade

  5. The Merchant

    Trading Lots of Stuff!

    Hi there, I seem to have came across an m4a3 cco camouflage yesterday, would this be worth anything to you? You could take a look at my post with the listed trading items. If possible, what would you want for one of your DMR's?
  6. The Merchant


    Hi again, about the DMR I think i may have something of use, PM me?
  7. The Merchant


    what would you be wanting for that then?
  8. The Merchant


    I'm interested in a DMR. Could you PM me the details?
  9. Guy from the U.K. looking to play some Dayz with a freind or a group. Talk to me on Skype@ SolidusGamer Or add me on steam and post on my page@SolidusGamer/JohnSutton
  10. The Merchant

    Looking for A partner or Team

    I am 17.