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About Scopeshot

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  1. Scopeshot

    DAYZ E3 Stream (Link Provided)

    Mirrors edge was NOT worth the money
  2. Scopeshot

    DAYZ E3 Stream (Link Provided)

    Tom Clancy's "The Division" LOOK AWESOME!
  3. I looked through the forums to see if anyone has found the stream for dayz standalone. Well I figured I would post this for everyone else. The coverage for the Dayz Standalone Booth will be on Thursday June 13th 3:20 pm PDT/6:00 pm EST You can watch it with the link below at the time shown above http://uk.gamespot.com/e3/stage-2-day-3/ Enjoy, I cant wait like the rest of you!
  4. Scopeshot

    E3 and our attendance

    FOR EVERYONE WHO IS LOOKING TO WATCH THE STREAM OF DAYZ, IT WILL BE BROADCASTED. Thursday June 13th 3:20 pm PDT (6:00 pm EST) go to this link at that time http://uk.gamespot.com/e3/stage-2-day-3/
  5. Dont worry bro Ill have the Vid uploaded In a week, I am sorry that you are having trouble believing my experience, And your claim on the Armored SUV not working, Have you played breaking point? 2 updates ago the suv gunner bug was fixed. But as I said just have to wait a week till I am able to upload videos again. "EDIT : Also i was new to the mod of the mod, at the time, I have now learned that the base I encountered was a premade base on the map I guess, the turrets tho i do not understand where they came from, The also hoping off the tower I guess should be corrected it was less of a tower and more or less a bunker? Sorry but my friends and I usually refered to it as the tower because normally people would use them as guard towers on their wasteland bases. Tho I am no longer playing breaking point I am now recording my adventures on DAYZRP so I have a few video's of my adventures there what I will also like when they are up."
  6. Right guys, like I said, used up my upload for the month so It wont be till the first but Thanks guys, was a lot of fun
  7. And thanks Guys, I have missed this shit
  8. I did, but my ISP rescricts my upload to a monthly limit. I've hit my limit already for the month, I may move the file to my laptop and hit and internet cafe and sit there for 2 hours to upload the file, Or just wait till the end of the month, I keep watching it over and over laughing my ass off
  9. Scopeshot

    So your a tough bandid? We need you!

    Has anyone ever felt the urge to bump bumpers with a steel pipe. I do believe that this is a private hive and belongs in the private hive section, No?
  10. So after getting bored with all the private hives with 400000000000 vehicles and starting with a mk mod and coyotee backpack, I took a break from dayz for 3 or so months. I heard about the mod of a mod of a mod of a mod - Mega modception. Well anyways, the mod I chose was Breaking point. Starting with a tazer reminded me a lot of the original dayz, I.E. starting with the makarov, both weapons are just as useful to you as a floppy dildo in a gun fight. But I figured it could be useful for taking people hostage. And one thing I will admit, they where right at making things a bit harder, I found a hardcore server (Pretty freakin populated I might add, 30+ ppl) So first person only made me happy :D I started my adventure in....god damnit....KKKKKAAAAMMMEEEEEENNNNKAAA!!!!! Hehe, I started my walk up to Zelenogorsk and got a sks a semi auto rilfe that seemed pretty accurate. Great I had my defensive weapon and a halfway decent backpack. I gathered some food and supplies and began my trek up to Stary Sobor. After entering the city I ran I spotted a pretty well armed group held up in the grocery store picking up food with a MTVR(Armored Ural) out front. The first thought that crossed my mind was to grab the truck and run. That was my intention until I seen the rocket launcher on the back of their "Spec ops" cammoed marksman. I sat outside watching and started hearing one of them talk, I got closer so that I could hear, one of their members had their mic button the same button on the game and their VOIP. From what i could tell atleast, And from what I gathered from what he was saying they had a base (From the coords he said) North east of Devils castle. As I was about to leave and start heading up there to raid it I got a better Idea. Most of their guys where wearing terrorist clothing (Which i had got a set earlier as well) I decided I would mingle in their group and hope they wouldn't notice me. As they all began piling into their MTVR I fell inline like I was one of them. I even helped in a fire fight that they got into whilst on the road. After riding in the truck for 20+ minutes I was getting a little bored till I realized were we where going. AS they pulled up to their base I almost crapped myself. Seeing as how Breaking point uses the community base building addon, these people had built a wastelands worthy base. Guard towers, Mg's, a couple depot's, and many other things that looked scary :P I seriously doubt a single group could assault this place and survive...........From the outside :P As we pulled up to the gate I expected one to get out to open the gate, But i was wrong. someone on the inside did it for them, and after closer inspection all three of the MG nests in the guard towers where manned. Holy crap I was think I am gonna die. After getting inside I wandered around a bit without anyone caring I was there. I went to their weapons crates (You can find empty crates that you can move and use to store your gear instead of tents) and loaded myself up with everything I would need and figured Id just hop in their armored SUV and leave but I felt like causing some hell first. I ran up to one of the guard towers and used my starter tazer and tazzed one of the guards and hopped down and hid in a depot. When the guard got back up their teamates lit hit up thinking it was me I guess. Well not they're on alert, and It's obvious that they're KOS douche's. I jumped in their armored suv and got on the minigun and lit up everyone In sight killing 8 members of their team (Couldn't find the other 5) and used their ramp to jump out of their base and take off with their suv which i found was loaded with food and medical supplies out the wazoo. Ok DAYZ I win, now what? [Ruthless] - That was a fun time guys, You guys may wanna keep an eye out for random guys falling into your lineups hehe :P If you managed to read through my terrible grammer, spelling and like my story thanks for reading :D That has defiantly brought back my favorite thing about DAYZ. Time to get back into holding people up for guns again :D
  11. Scopeshot

    Wrong signature <Insert random PBO here>

    I guess you did not read the original post. On line 4 I said that and I Quote "4.Verified arma 2/ oa" So yes I did that, Mutliple times
  12. Scopeshot

    Wrong signature <Insert random PBO here>

    Bump, No one can help me with this eh?
  13. Scopeshot

    Wrong signature <Insert random PBO here>

    You AO patch 1.60 and 1.62 + beta patch - Did that You need to run the game. -- Did That Install Dayz -Obviously Did that Addons and the Dtr folders are the only folders you need from Arma 2 to make it combined operations. - Also did this Create a shortcut: Right click desktop or folder location of your choice. Replace "yourlocation" with your game location =) Start In:C:\yourlocation\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Target:"C:\yourlocation\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DayZ;" -nosplash -emptyworld Atempted the above, Still have the issue, PBO kick's :'(
  14. Scopeshot

    Wrong signature <Insert random PBO here>

    I removed it a little while ago