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Everything posted by Nonlin

  1. Nonlin

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    * [FIXED] Food can no longer be consumed if the player does not have in inventory. * [FIXED] water can no longer be consumed if the player does not have in inventory. Also those two. Are ridiculousness. I don't have to have water in my bag to drink it. Same goes for food. I thought it was a good thing to be able to consume from outside the inventory. Plenty of great fixes but I don't get why these two and the "can't consume in car" fixes were added.
  2. Nonlin

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Why in the world can't we eat and drink in the car. Its not like its the end of the world or anything. Oh wait.... Seriously though. What part of the zombie Apocalypse prevents people from eating and drinking in car. Contamination ?
  3. Nonlin

    DayZ Stories

    This game is just so cinematic. It is like a movie directing itself as you just try and survive. There I was wandering around the landscape long enough to get my food and health both bright red, with no clue as to where I was going when I came across a town complete with a church. I make my way there in hopes to find some food or water preferably both when I spot what looked to me like a crawler. Wielding my axe I decided I'd simply go kill it so I wouldn't have to worry about it when this crawler begins to stand up! I thought shit the zombie sprouted legs? I continued at it swinging a few times and I notice this zombie has an axe! Then it was obvious it was no zombie... it was a survivor. I back away and whilst not being prepared at all to meet another survivor accidently type "Friendly!" in the group chat. In my panic trying to communicate with this stranger I hit every button but comma in my attempt to switch to direct chat. I hit enter then "/" again, then shift and then finally I was like damit! Comma! I switch to direct chat looping through the options 3 times and finally get to direct chat and type "friendly!". By this point us backing away from each other and me not trying to antagonize him any more was enough for him cause he had walked a few meters away and lit a flare for some reason. Then he takes off running . I try to follow him with my jogging not aware you can run/sprint in the game but I couldn't find him. I make my way to a few houses I thought he would have gone to and I couldn't find him. I shout a few more times hello, but nothing... Needless to say I continue my search for food in the same general area, now filled to the brim with zombies. I make a bold attempt to the church ground but that is when I get surprised with a few zombie. Feeling brave I decided to take'em down, being the wispy zombies they are I take a few blows from the zombies and end up lowering my blood more than I would have liked too. I scout around the church and other than a few graves I came across nothing so I decide to continue on. After a very long run through woods and over hills my food, water and blood at this point are all blinking red now. Still struggling with vision impaired I make my way to another bigger town. I was like I'm probably going to die from thirst and starvation so might as well die trying to find food and water at least. I quickly attempt to scout a few houses successfully checking two undetected when a few zombies decided to spot me. Again I'm running... Zombies seem to be coming from everywhere. It was clear, that this was nearing an end, I'm going to die. Then, I hear a mans voice! And he too was asking for help! He was being chased by zombies as well. He asked my to take down a few so he wouldn't alert more zombies till he cleared the area. I take em down and quickly type "Low blood! death near!". He starts firing a few rounds. More continue coming, he tells me to meet him at the warehouse. So I go. I make it there go up the stairs of the warehouse move down the railing some and collapse. Now I'm lying there unconscious with 1500 blood. Half way through the timer the dude starts trying to talk with me. Me being unconscious unable. Thankfully he see me on the ground. By the time he gets up to meet me, I'm up. I was like I have 1100 blood I need blood. He hooks me up with food, water and a blood pack. Man saved my life but it turns out he was on the verge of death as well with only 1000 blood.
  4. Nonlin

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So many things flawed with that statement... :/
  5. Nonlin

    Willpower Stat

    How does this sound? Having an extra stat so that when your thirst reaches its min and/or your hunger reaches its min your willpower (your will to live if you will) slowly gets depleted and then you finally give out. Thirst will drain it fast hunger slowly and if you are absolutely thirsty and hungry then your will to live drains really fast. Opinions?
  6. Nonlin

    Willpower Stat

    Will seems like a good factor to consider in a zombie apocalypse.
  7. Nonlin

    Willpower Stat

    The point is, its a realistic way of giving players a bit of an extra chance to find food or water. Maybe like that extra 10 or 5 minutes you might have need to find it. I'd say to even expand this with certain player actions effecting aforementioned willpower.
  8. Nonlin

    let me drink from lake/tap without a bottle

    Yes we should drink from a lake. Hope they allow this. No this doesn't make the canteen useless. You can still use it to take water on the go. Also wouldn't mind if they added an infection chance to the water. If you don't sanitize it somehow you increase your chance of getting sick. There a lot of realism tweaks this mod needs. But considering its an alpha its shaping up real nice. Can't wait to see the beta.