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Everything posted by HighFlyer15

  1. HighFlyer15

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Post #1 xD
  2. HighFlyer15

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Sexual anxiety.. Seriously how long has it been since you've had sex? Not a personal attack, btw The average lifespan in this game is insanely low. I can easy go more than half a day without thinking "I NEED SEX!!!" Why would our characters be sexual wrecks, craving sex?
  3. You don't play it anymore? >_>
  4. HighFlyer15

    My top 10 list of new gameplay ideas.

    Military NPCs would lead to easy ammo with a few headshots. Shouldn't be implemented. Unless you're talking about an army..
  5. HighFlyer15

    Incentive to survive

    You've survived for 4 days Beard +5 Smell +10 Blisters +3 edit: actually taking your shoes off in cities would make less noise, less blisters over time, but if you have to run from zombies, then you would get pretty screwed up down there. I guess that's too elaborate? Btw I would LOVE for my character to grow a beard, so people could see how long I've survived :D Hunting knife could be used to shave, so you could trick people "I've only just spawned and have nothing special on me, spare me!"
  6. HighFlyer15

    Silence dead players in chat

  7. HighFlyer15

    Removing the HUD

    /Totally signed
  8. Having a job isn't an excuse, when you can pick and choose servers :P Just don't play a nighttime server, simple as that!
  9. HighFlyer15

    Sleeping bags?

  10. HighFlyer15

    [Dayz] Priority System!! [Dayz] Zombie Aggro System

    So he's basicly asking for Easy Mode? There's nothing easy about a zombie apocalypse. And why shouldn't I be able to find goodies, if I'm hungry? Suddenly the nice gun or flashlight is turned into food, just because my stomach is growling a little? Bad idea and Rocket wouldn't consider this, to be honest. BUT you're entitled to making any suggestions.
  11. HighFlyer15

    Stop Mid-Conbat DC'ing.

    A friend of mine just did this. He had found a lot of great loot. I'm talking about A LOT. And suddenly he heard shots flying past him. He ran like a little girl and found a rock, and disconnected. He's now waiting until tomorrow to login again to make sure nothing has happened. The attacker just wasted a lot of bullets and my friend got away scott free. But in the end I think it was fine, just now, since the person shooting was obviously a bandit and bandits deserve nothing. Maybe logout timer for murderers, but not for people without any kills? Nah j/k
  12. It was a suggestion to get more immersed into the game and then a forum MODERATOR comes and tells him, indirectly, that he's part of the bad alpha testers.. Yeah you did.. I find it very annoying aswell and it really takes away from the "I'm alone" and makes it "I'm alone, oh wait not really. 17 other people just joined the server and disconnected again, all having modified files, well good to know"
  13. HighFlyer15

    You need to be able to "lose" zombies...

    An idea could be to add stuff that distracts zombies. Like if you remember where you last saw a dead body, then you could run past it and the zombies would be more pleased with a downed meal, instead of keep pursuing. Right now you can't throw or drop a lit flare, if you don't already have it out, so making zombies chase a flare would require you to stop and then you're pretty much dead. Raw meat dropped from killing animals? Could that be a distraction? Right now my only successful escape was through a small crack in a wall, but they still crawled after me. Luckily there was a ladder close by so I climbed, but DEAD zombies know how to crawl ladders aswell, so that's also a no go, since there's no kick function, which to kick them down from the ladder with. I would prefer that atleast :)
  14. Date/Time: All the time What happened: Trees and grass has a weird grey spiderweb looking texture glitch on them Where you were: Anywhere with trees and grass What you were doing: Trying to survive *Current installed version: 1.5.7 *Server(s) you were on: Virginia #22 *Your system specs: i5 2500K Quadcore Geforce 560 Ti 8 GB RAM *Timeline of events before/after error: Ehm well the glitch is there all the time Picture of the glitch thing
  15. HighFlyer15

    [FIXED]Graphic glitch on trees and grass

    That did it! Setting the AA to any numbers(5-8) made this glitch appear, but switching to Very High made it disappear. Weird. But the solution has been found! Thank a lot!