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Everything posted by Slide885

  1. Slide885

    Your "hidden" camps.

    If i see a tent anywhere I assume there is a sniper about to murder me.
  2. Slide885

    "Rocket" Please We need a Database wipe

    He said he's in favor of equipment degeneration. I'd hope that is a silver lining to the current inflation of NVGs, AS50s, and other duped/hacked items. At least for the stand alone.
  3. Slide885

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Matt, some of these guys are ready to bear your children after getting an update. How does that make you feel man?
  4. Slide885

    Night-time playing without NVG

    I would rather NVGs just not be in the game. its way more fun without them at night. But yeah... you make too much light your sniper bait. In WWI they use to say three to a match is bad luck.
  5. Slide885

    DayZ at GamesCom

    stop complaining about how people do their job if your not willing to step up and help them fix it. Thats what makes you an angery troll sir. I'll see you at the back of the line.
  6. Slide885

    DayZ at GamesCom

    Sorry man, I just don't care enough to finish reading your post. Have fun being an angery troll. :D
  7. Slide885

    DayZ at GamesCom

    A.) I don't complain about updates enough B.) I don't care enough C.) The forum team and devs are pretty much volunteer. Don't bitch about not being compensated for a service to the comunity. I don't see them doing it.
  8. I give the guys on need4beans (a private hive in the UK) a lot of shit over being anti-pvp but ollie the admin seems to be legit good people. I was on the server one time and alot of folks complained about hackers all at once. They even found the hacked ammo boxes. He reset the server rolled it back 20 minutes and kicked the suspected parties.
  9. Slide885

    DayZ at GamesCom

    Hey for all you guys who say that Rocket should be posting all of his updates here instead of Redit, how about you volunteer some of your time to the comunity and compile+post his latest interviews here. I'm sure if you talked to the forum team they would happily give you a sticky.
  10. Slide885

    Poor admins are ruining DayZ

    I got to agree with this guy. Beans!
  11. Slide885

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    dude.... they aren't getting a freaking dime off Dayz. this is rockets pet project. fucking live with it. Is it incredibly popular? yes. Has it realisticaly been down at the unplayable stage for that long? not really. chill the fuck out and go wack off or get some sun instead of bitching about a mod for a game you don't even play.
  12. Slide885

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    this is a pretty abusive and demanding community. Its like you guys took away their crack.
  13. Slide885

    Elektro Powerstation is fun.

    Axe murder is the best. especialy if the guy is well armed. If i catch a guy going up in the tower and all I have is a hatchet, I wait at the bottom of the stairs just outside the tower area, and clip his legs as he runs out.
  14. Slide885

    Spawning in the Wilderness?

    check your version and the versions of the servers your trying to join. if thats not the problem its just bad luck.
  15. Slide885

    Server Handling: Once you die, you're out!

    it would be nice to play on smaller hives with multiple servers. the you die and your out thing is total BS though. You wouldn't have enough servers to go around. their would be no point in building up any sort of base, or vehicle. Spawn in, run to electro, die, find a new server. Spawn, run to stary, die find a new server, Spawn, lagg slightly running down stairs, find a new server. does that sound like fun at all?
  16. personaly i would love it if they took NVGs out of the game. raiding at night is great fun.
  17. All that I can remember is how you got cyber rapped and shot in the face... just seeing you make another post has forced me to relive that horrible story again.
  18. http://www.vixbase.com/v/103522
  19. Damnit, fail embed.
  20. can some one explain to me how to put those into a private hive? :D
  21. Slide885

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    seems like a waste of an AS50
  22. hacked humvee? or just a private hive?
  23. Slide885

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    I love Dayzdb, but the vehical map is currently out of date. Dayzwiki apears to have up to date cordinates on vehical spawns. The rest of the map is dead on.
  24. Slide885

    Setting up a tent

    Aren't tents broken this patch?
  25. Slide885

    World on fire

    what server? I've seen it before and am pretty sure its a hack.