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About nigzy23

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. nigzy23

    New Weapons/Items Suggestions

    Brown Bess musket. Nothing like killing Zeds with a musket. All seriousness aside, I'd like to see more civilian weapons implemented, such as AR-15's but only with Semi automatic and the such. Less emphasis on the military grade weapons, aside from stuff like AK47's. More models of the winchester would be awesome. Some WW2 weapons would be nice too, aside from the Enfield! M1 Carbine, M1a1 Thompson, KAR 98k... I could carry on going all day long! More melee weapons also, knives, swords, sticks... Dunno what a blue force tracker would do... unless you're with a team, a large team spread over a large distance...
  2. M107 or AS50 could easily be packed into a backpack. Stripped down within five minutes and placed away. Sorted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVPVvTH4TI4 M107 not takedown rifles... hmmm this video seems to take it down pretty easily. Seems like you just need your combi tool and voila. Done. Also, the bigger the round the bigger the range. .50's can be used against armoured targets but it's also there when you need to take out a HVT from greater distances, that is the point of the Sniper. The main reason why 7.62's are preferred is because you can carry more ammo, they're a lighter weapon, easier to use in CQC if the need calls for it. That's why a lot of marines use the EBR's of the DMR. A 7.62 will happily get you a shot out at 800 metres, perfect for Afghanistan when you're only engaging unarmoured targets from 300 or so metres away 90% of the time. What I would like to see is the .50's removed and instead the L115a3 brought into play instead, sort of same ballistic properties as the .50 BMG just smaller. The M110 is anothe rifle I'd like to see, only because it's my favourite :3 And firing the .50's standing is up pretty easy. They have outstanding recoil management systems, the muzzle break alone reduces recoil by a ridiculous amount and not to mention the correct positioning of your rifle. Place the stock of the rifle against the bone in your shoulder and yeah you'll most probably break it, if not it's just like being punched by a big bear who's all soft and cuddly.
  3. I agree with your post, especially with the wind effecting the shot placement. Hell, wind comes into play on ballstics after 100 metres; with 5.56x45mm anyway. At 400 metres you have to aim a full body left or right (Depending on wind direction) from the target you're hitting and that's if it's stationary. Too many times has my poor little medic been hit by some round from miles away and put me into -25,000 blood. What's even worse is that there is zero bullet drop on the Lee Enfield. As with the training with sniper rifles, I think it could be 'easily' implimented as in being that when you first begin to use a weapon, any weapon (You could put them into categories in correlation to the round they fire) you shake as though you're in pain. The more zombies you kill or the more you use it, the less you shake. Indicating that you know the correct marksmanship principles for that selected weapon; could also seen as a balancing tool in prevention of random killing. But in the standalone to be released game, I know this might sound 'cheesey', I would love to see classes implemented with little dynamic bonuses (Like those found in Killing floor, just not exactly like them), just like a medic would have faster bandaging, morphining etc...etc... times. Really enjoyed reading your post Cheboygan, ballistic science has always been a favourite of mine from when I was back in the forces. I just suppose that what we can experience is limited by Arma 2 itself, some major re-haul to the ballistics system would most probably come in the stand alone game.
  4. When I gave a blood transfusion to a bandit I got a 'bandit' skin but it's not a towel made balaclava wearing one, it's someone with a short checkered shirt and black fingerless gloves, big black plate carrier and black cap. But now everyone thinks I'm a bandit but really I just want to help people :(
  5. nigzy23

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Age: 22 Ingame Name: Doctor Green or Nigzy TZ and Country: GMT +0 / England Are you willing to use TS3: Yes Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialties) : I am a hell of a team player, served with the British army for six years and now I'm a full time gamer! I love teamwork, I love zombie apocalypses ... Jackpot! I thrive from challenges and well thought out teamwork, I'm hard working and I know the map pretty damn well now. I'm a trusting medic on DayZ and I enjoy being a medic though I hate how useless Epi pens are *Insert angry face* My bag is usually filled with at least 8 blood bags. I also make a good sniper in my spare time. What type of role would best suit you: Medic, sniper or spotter. I'm a cautious rabbit. If you want to get in touch with me other than the forums, hit me up on skype; my username is nigzy23! Cheers!