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About Kagrenac

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kagrenac

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    Do we know if rocket shuffled the spawn points for
  2. Kagrenac

    How to repair bus?

    I'm pretty sure there is a bug with repairing vehicles. A buddy and myself spent about an hour trying dozens of different angles and inventory combinations in order to repair an Offroad, to no avail.
  3. I've done loot-piling at the NW airfield barracks before, and after you do it a few times you realize that AKMs, AK74s, and even M16s aren't really worth much. But you just wait until somebody finds an M107, or NVGs. There will be blood.
  4. Kagrenac

    Do you remember your first murder or murderer?

    The first time I was murdered happened because I had no notion of banditry/wrongdoing in the game. I was in Zelenogorsk on my own, just getting the hang of the game and looking for some sweet loot when I saw two survivors crouching around an industrial buildings in the outskirts of town. I started following them, being really sneaky, really cautious. I tailed them for 20+ minutes until they were in the heart of town, when I lost sight of them near a wooden house. This being when I was a noob, I didn't know that the type of house I lost them near was one you could go in. So I crawled my way down toward where I thought they went, and as I was crawling along a fence outside of the very same house, I see one of them come out. I quickly scooted my way back behind the wooden fence. The first guy came out, passed 2-3 feet in front of me, and turned away from me to look down the street. The second guy followed, but he saw me and immediately opened fire. I suppose it was dumb of me to expect any other reaction, but I was genuinely surprised that I was being shot at, so I panicked and unloaded all 8 Makarov rounds right into his chest and face. He dropped, but his buddy, who panicked and started to run back into the house, turned around and knocked me out before I could reload. My first true murder (that I got the credit for, anyway) happened last week as I was looting the south barracks at NW airfield. It was me and 2 other guys. We decided to do some looting and went to the barracks, to encounter everything all quiet and all the doors and windows closed and intact, a rarity. I cautiously made my way down the barracks, opening each door one by one and surveying the loot in the room. As soon as I opened the second to last door, I came face to face with a survivor. I don't know if he was surprised to see me, or just hesitant to shoot another survivor, but in any case the hesitation cost him his life as I mag dumped an AKS Kobra into his chest and head.