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Sane Minds

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About Sane Minds

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    On the Coast
  1. Sane Minds

    A Dog is NOT just for Apocalypse.

    Make it a scrolling option at water sources to "Call dog to drink." Make it a scrolling option when pointed at dog to "Feed dog (steak, cans, zombie limb)" as well as "Give dog water." Of course throw in all the fun stuff of them attacking you if you randomly or continuously beat them, plus on initial contact.
  2. Sane Minds

    Switching weapons whilst running

    Bumped plus comment. Definitely needs fixing, though taking into consideration that shouldering a weapon takes more finess than running is capable of there is instead the option of throwing your empty primary to the ground and whipping out your M9 to finish the deed whil still in full tilt. Just don't do it on a hill as you are not likely to get that primary back!
  3. Sane Minds

    zombies shoud have more realistic loot

    I agree with this increased loot, yet inversely cities should have many more infected appear than currently and general infected blood should go up to make the loot formidable and dangerous to obtain yet still exciting.
  4. Sane Minds

    Tents should despawn on death.

    1. Tents should have a recent access date tag and by whom. 2. Tents should be deleted upon death if last accessed only by that person in the last X days.
  5. Sane Minds

    Handcuff or rope to tie someone up

    I'd say put like a 60 second timer or 120 second timer on it, at which point in time the character (who is able to run 100+km nonstop) will wiggle out of it and be unrestrainable for a following 30 seconds. Having a hunting knife in posession reduces this holding time. (or until removed by restrainers)
  6. Sane Minds

    Inventory UI concept design v2.1 (window based)

    Either way, a better inventory system would be grand. * The backpack should still take time to click to open and close, as opening and closing a backpack from your back takes time. * Items on your 'belt', 'pockets', or 'hotlist' should show on your belt or hanging from your backpack. (Toolbox, GPS, axe, entrenching tool atleast). * More clothes especially off zombies would be great to utilize (loot) for individualizing ourselves.
  7. This is interesting in that they've implied using the Humanity counter, implying it is NOT a game (i'm assuming just survival), and forcing players to forage, defend themselves, and make it to the next day. The counter implies there is some purpose to your actions. While great humanity gives you a hero status (though giving them special abilities is ridiculous, even special clothes is silly), a lack of humanity should affect players. Realistically (oh no, but its just a game) killing people and death in general affects a person horrendously. Opposite this people will realistically, naturally seek other people to confirm their humanity and the survival of the human race. How this can affect in game is simply by having humanity drop due to their presence around death, causing death, or being attacked (adreneline makes people crazy!). Effects of people's inhumanity is insanity: Hearing zombies where they are not, random blurring, seeing people where they are not. So........ People still want to pretend they are perfectly fine being a mass murderer when all they've ever done in real life was burn anthills with a magnifying glass, let's make this anti-game even more realistic by giving everyone some PTSD!
  8. Sane Minds

    Footsteps in mud...

    First post, and I have been enjoying the game thus far. Tracking. I don't like the idea of there being traits and advanceable traits as this will only lead to lopsided tiers of people based on equipment and some form of experience farming. But tracking should be a very basic realization in this type of game. Not so much the skill, but the fact that moving in the environment leaves an imprint on the environment. Thus I would see: Pushed over grass among standing grass. Footsteps in dirt, mud, and sand. Disturbed terrain. This environment has weather, thus rain and wind causing; Muddy footsteps on roads and in buildings. Washed away footsteps. Tracks among the grass lost due to wind. Shoot.