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About Necromantick

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Necromantick

    Clan recruiting [DKz]

    Note: this is a side forum to Klinten 's clan recruiting page, i prefer if you are from denmark but it's necessary in order to join. is would be best for now if you are from nordic eu(DK DE SE NOR GB FR and alike) we are also looking for a person who can creat a web page For/with us for our clan [DKz] is now recruiting players we mainly play Chernarus we are looking for mature players with basic knowleged of the game who are intressetest in playing a more coop way. currently Klinten (my main officer/co leader) is in charge of pvp and gear raiding (yes we are bandits more or less) we currently got a 3/4 stabel group with 3-4 more persons on and off. we have our own server and will look greatly on players willing to donate to us/our server in exchange for a stabel server to call home and a group to get and give suport. in most cases we can gear you up pretty fast and start what ever agenda we got for the day,(scince our clan is still so small we usally all do the same thing, im hoping for us to become a big and strong enough clan to do multiple tings at the same time) im personaly hoping to creat a trading sub group in our clan for all to use(also none clan members ofc) if you have any questions just ask and if u wish to join plz leav a message here i will try to contact to asap [DKz] Necromantick
  2. Necromantick

    Want NVG please, see trades below.

    id like to get those L85A2 AWS and M4A1 CCO SD off ya hands, what do you want for it?
  3. Necromantick

    [Trade] I need tents

    how meny tents for the m16a2 m203?
  4. me and a buddy of mine just bought a server last night and we already got a hacker inside FU¤%ing it all up his name/alias is Tinystun
  5. i just got vilayer too but i cant get my new server startet, when i try to join it from dayz commander it just puts me on a wait for host screen forever :( dunno what to do help plz
  6. Necromantick

    Small Group Looking For New Members.

    arh nvm then we wont have a decent chance to finde a good ping server for both of us but gl none the less :)
  7. Necromantick

    Small Group Looking For New Members.

    where wich servers do u guys play on normaly? us eu or? as for good servers my personal exp on that servers aint good for more than a cupel of hours
  8. Necromantick

    LFG northern eu

    hi im looking for ppl to play with, was worndering if ther is a nordic group or someone who migt wanna start a group? im pretty tired of being a lone wolf who dies trying to get morfine on 3 day in cheno/elektro -.-' dont like bandits... im in utc+1 time zone northern eu i play on de dk sw no uk servers mostly im most likly online after 19:00 hoping to find ppl to run with :) sry for my bad spelling i speak english much better than my gramma is written
  9. im LFG too northern eu ' usally onlline after 19:00(utc+1 local time)