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Everything posted by aviator.wcc@gmail.com

  1. Yea...pretty much agree completely. I bet most of these posts on here are anti-DayZ/Battleye propaganda from folks upset at getting caught. Basically BE says that message is cause you got your legit key stolen and replaced with something illegit from what i understand...which typically happens when you go investigating free ***s! Hacker...
  2. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Maybe you people should shove sixupdater up it's own ass where it may belong.... And try using DayZCommander....which gives you control but makes it all really easy.
  3. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    That'd be awesome if they allow all these sights to be adjustable and even add the delay for the time to do it and animation to it in arma 3:)
  4. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    It could be extremely accurate. Barrel length has a large impact on velocity and twist rate of the rifling on stability and fragmentation. For example: a short barrel M4 (14.5") with a 1:9 twist rate and a long barrel AR15 with a 24" barrel and 1:9 twist rate will have radically different results on the same target at the same range with the same ammunition. Fragmentation requires a certain speed as well as spin to the bullet. many shorter barrel weapons produce far less damage to target due to lesser projectile speed. Bullet alone means nothing. I can throw it, i can shoot it from a slingshot, i can launch it from a smoothbore, i can shoot it from a funky 5.56 NATO firing handgun, a short barrel carbine, or a 20" M16 or a long barrel AR15. Each one will have measuably very different results. A 20" M16 with standard NATO M855 will typically do far more wound damage than a Short barrel AKS 74u or 14.5" M4. Now if you switch up your ammo to a heavier weight and a tighter twist you can change your damage potential...but we don't have those weight variations and twists in arma 2 and for good reason...the military standardizes.
  5. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Failure apparently is an option. I can read too and there's lots of good reading to be had: http://www.firearmstactical.com/wound.htm The chart you posted actually lines up pretty well with the damage values of arma 2 guns at this time. but you didn't even post a chart comparing pretty much all the actual weapons changed in arma 2 1.62. Most of the changed guns aren't military assault rifles. You have to factor in lots of things when valuing the weapons for damage balance as well in a simulator. A standard chart like you posted only works if the bullet is fired from a barrel of approximately the same length at approximately the same twist rate. I'm sure you'll manage to get there eventually.
  6. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Sorry, you were going to post some actual physics to back up your assertion they're being gamey?
  7. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    It balanced the lower end firearms to approximately where they should be for noise and damage potential compared to the higher end gear.....it really makes sense. ARMA2 needed the change. For Dayz....hey that's what headshots are for on zombies....brings more risk to the starter game that folks were complaining was too easy but i'm sure if balance gets way off rocket will adjust the zeds to fix it. good grief you wacko whiners....let it ride and see what happens.
  8. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Hacker in Cherno... Just another day in DayZ

    Had similtar happen to me on a "reddit" server recently. Had an M4 and i appraoched a store with a guy in it, put a full mag into him and he didn't even look phased, i ran to the side of the building and reloaded and he followed me around, i put a whole nother mag into him point blank, then he starts talking to me like a dumbass in direct chat....at that point i just alt F4'd....figured i was lucky the hadn't blown my head off yet.
  9. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Wont buy T-shirts... Offer nice polo shirts or better yet decent button up shirts with the designs and then i'll bite.
  10. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Not only that. We even have the special ammo ready...i've actually been in a lot of houses that display this as (mostly) a joke...but the fact remains...the people who will survive day zero, they ready with more than a box of bandaids:) http://www.hornady.com/ammunition/zombiemax/ Ain't jokin...it's in my house...:)
  11. aviator.wcc@gmail.com


    Man this has been the greatest popcorn thread ever. Top notch comedy watching all the hackers get an extra ban (dayz forum) for their misplaced self-righteousness:) My faith in gaming is slightly restored...slightly:P Keep up the BanHammer, BattleEye! And keep up with the database bannation, Rocket. WTG all parties.
  12. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    True story, My first 3 deaths in dayz were to people i chose to trust for just a few seconds or a minute in dayz who were in survivor skins. When i first met up with with the guys who got me into the game, they were in bandit skins from shooting people who tried to kill them. After that, we decided we wanted to be in bandit skins cause the camo helps you survive. If you're seen first, you're failing at surviving. And if you live through it, that's just plain dumb luck. Since then i've died like once to a zombie zerg and i learned my lesson...don't trust survivors you dont know. If they're really interested in surviving they'll get to know you before they point a gun in your face. Then you can build trust and get to surviving together, and then there' more of you to take down the assholes you shouldn't be trusting. If yer a "survivor" and yer looting my well hidden tents, you actually want to punish me for blowing your motherfucking head off? GTFO and stop trying to carebear the shit out of this mod just to give your damn self an advantage over better players than you that work together and trust each other and see you as the proper damn threat you are to THEIR SURVIVAL which is the one and only point of the game... SURVIVAL. I survive, bitches. Sometimes that means making sure some of YOU dont...regardless of how you think i should be penalized for it. Joined up with one friend, then connected with another guy, then we brought in a 4th then connected through him to a 5th and pretty soon it was like a disney ride through it's a small world after all. Meeting and getting to know and trust other survivors then sorta forming a ragtag group and connecting with others through them there's like 10 of us working together in various mixes becoming more and more competent then we join up with a semi-organized "outfit" and pretty soon we're going cross country on sorta missions or at least objectives to further our survival chances with 10 to 15 people strung out in loose formation. Now i'm going on probably 72 hours of surviving with this character (in game time) and i got a full set of tools minus a gps, some tents (you aint gonna find them) various ammos and blood bags and meds stocked up, couple extra guns i can swap out....M24 sniper on me and i'm covering my teammates raiding airfields for hours at a time or hospitals or whatever we need. And here we are....up to 15 players at a time now, trusting each other and working together. Do we shoot others on site in our operational area? hell yea... but if they contact us first or talk first before contact face to bullets, well odds are they may end up joining us if they like...or we can make sure and have them stay out of a general Ops area where they'd end up in a firefight with us. Or they might be a bandit wnting to know where to look for us...thems the risk but that's why we have people cover our raids with snipers and patrols and try to be as careful as possible. The challenge is welcome but the goal is to survive and improve odds of further long term survival...there is no other goal here. There is no level 60 and end game raid content to be mastered. Dont die. Failure is not an excuse to cry for game mechanics to give you an advantage over others or other styles of play, which are probably superior to your own.
  13. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Multiple steam accounts?

    It's based on your installation key...which i believe ends up in your registry. But that is an interesting question. I went to install a standalone copy of arma CO on my machine (i own OA through steam and CO through bisstore) and it said already installed...wouldn't let me install a second key on the same pc it seemed. Try it and see:)
  14. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Build Hotfix

    played 5 hrs on patch 1582 tonight. Was daytime the entire time so havn't experienced night yet but honestly at night i'm more likely to be holded up sleeping until i find NVG. Heat wasn't an issue but we were moving nearly the the whole time with sunup. I started dropping slowly at one point lying down for a bit waiting on friends to hunt, then we lit a fire and hit right back to normal body temp. Good stuff. It didn't rain on us but i get the impression it's pretty perfectly set for daytime normal weather. I look foward to dealing with rain and seeking shelter and fire to deal with any heat increases sometime. Suggest making wood take only 1 inventory slot..it dosn't really last very long and it's not a bonfire so these arent really big logs...just some sticks....pretty punishing taking up 4 spaces for 2 wood which seems like a good survival amount to carry. Then again, maybe i should just carry one since your spawn rates on wood seem good now. It's not everywhere but it's available if you go looking. The only real very unrealistic thing that really bugged my group of 4 for the 5 hrs was the time from eating or drinking to blinking red hunger or hydration. It seems, if movin around a lot, that you have to consume a full canteen and a full can of food or large cooked steak every 1hour approximately to 1hr 20 minutes. This sucked having to deal with c onsuming nearly 16 food and 16 water for a 5 hour play session. Very difficult to find enough even as a small group of 4. The Food issue can be dealt with via hunting, but it seems like we have to go hunting an awful lot to keep 4 people alive....just how many cows do 4 people consume in 1 day!? The water is much tougher with the risk of losing backpacks trying to refil in ponds nearly ruling them out completely (if you leave it on shore it sometimes despawns on you and if you take it with you it can end up on the bottom of the pond and unretrievable). Having a very difficul time finding spots to refil water in some very large areas of the map. anyhow. Everything seems like it's going pretty wonderful post this patch with the only three issues being: 1. Superfast zeds being near impossible to shoot tll they're in your face. 2: There's x zeds around a place and you decide to take them out...but your first couple shots suddenly spawn 20 more zeds???? Doesn't seem to happen everywhere but major issue in some places. 3: Food and Water level going down very unrealistically fast. Can see having to eat up to 5 times during a 12 hour day MAX considering we're consuming an entire canteen and or beef steak/can of beens. Having to eat 10 times in 9 to 10 times in a 12 to 13 hr day = nuts. Positives: temp system, so far, seems a winner addition post 1582 patch but will wait to see whether it's near killed me when i log in tomorrow night or still at 100 where i logged off before i lose the last of my skepticism. Also, a bug i've seen lately: i know you're changing the whole "bandit" thing but 3 times i've murdered someone and logged out around an hour later for the night...next night i log in and i'm no longer a bandit and have more humanity than i've ever had before every time. That's really a 157 patch bug report...but i wasn't posting here yet then and figured i'dthrow it in for good measure since i see bandit skins are still in the game after i clobbered someone tonight. edit: oh yea, new gear interaction system: MAJOR improvement and kudos for that from this non hardcore army mouse wheel abuser....i love the new gear interaction system and fewer things relegated to mouse wheel (just for world interaction and weapon switching now). Can't tell ya how relieved i am not to have to mouse wheel hunt for bandages and accidently hit something like food or water when that was the last thing i needed at the moment.
  15. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Optimization mods + DayZ?

    LoL at trying to remove grass and vegetation....that'd be an A+ hack as far as DayZ is concerned....see everyone with no chance for them to hide. Building a better PC is an option...removing all ability for people to hide from you is not!
  16. aviator.wcc@gmail.com

    Long term survival is pointless

    my 1st 5 deaths were to "survivors" who i saw and didnt shoot only to have them kill me. Now days once i have decent loot, I shoot first f i run into another survivor unexpectedly. Today i'd made my way about halfway north towards my goal spot for meeting up my friends when i stopped to try to find a few tools, and hopefully a compass and better pistol in a mini mart /convenience store. I looked for a couple mins then crawled in the back door, saw a 1911 first thing with 1 mag. Sat in the corner of the room and loaded it...with t he only mag i had. Figured i'd find more ammo soon enough or get afew clips from a friend further up north. Was ready to move into the rest of the store and ...oh shit a guy walks through the door right past me not seeing me and he's got a revolver equipped and out. He didn't see me! he went straight to he loot pile...i just know he's gonna turn, see me and kill me, and i've done well this life getting so far towards my goal without even a compass...so i unload my only 1911 clip into him and hope the zeds outside (if any are close) won't hear it and get to me before i get his guns. I unloaded the whole mag of 7 into his side/back in a near panic and he dies almost instantly of course. i grab his revolver, his tools, he has a LOT of tools like matches knife and compass + couple others and i trade his pack for mine without even looking in it cause mine was empty starter and his was an alice. I sneak out of there without checking the rest of the store and sneak north through the town to another lootable building where i stop and check his pack, it's loaded, 20 slots of awesome. From one survivor to another the goods passed...I don't hunt players...but my first 5 deaths from other survivors taught me well...shoot first if you're scared shitless or are pretty sure he's gonna shoot as soon as you turn your back.