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Everything posted by hellblaza

  1. hellblaza

    Every Time I Respawn

    so everytime i respawn, i spawn with -20000 Humanity or more, bug on my end im guessing ?
  2. hellblaza

    Every Time I Respawn

    how am i meant to get -20000 humanity with 1 or 2 murders ?
  3. hellblaza


    got myself and another guy ?
  4. Dayz Name: Hellblaza How long have you played Dayz: 1 Month and a bit Time Zone: UTC (London) PvP experience: Quite a bit as I stay in Cherno and Elektro regularly. Favorite Gun/Combo: I have two favourite combos Mp5sd6/M9sd Ak-74/Revolver
  5. DayZ Name : Hellblaza How long have you played DayZ : A month and a bit Time Zone: UTC (London) Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes I Will What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Direct Assault
  6. hellblaza

    Join Our DayZ Group

    IGN: Hellblaza Age: 18 LOC: UK/GB
  7. hellblaza

    We Take No Chances: recruiting

    timezone is GMT for me mate
  8. add ashikd1 and we will talk there right now ? :)
  9. for talking via mic, do you have skype ?
  10. in terms of a server then we would have to find a reasonable low ping one if you dont mind ?
  11. im interested but which server location do you use, im in GB/UK
  12. hellblaza

    you were kicked off the game

    i get the same thing too