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Posts posted by dashady187

  1. Yeah I guess i have the bandit skin but is the backpack dissapearing meant to be...? And dissapearing as in it is not in my inventory anymore and i lose it permanently.. not just that i can't see it on me.

    That happens to me too sometimes. It's really annoying to lose an upgraded backpack. One time the skin switched back on me while I was riding a bike and caused me to freeze in mid-air like I was still on the bike. I was stuck there. It sucked.

  2. I also have been noticing this issue. I have the same cpu as you do, just not overclocked. I'm running two nvidia gtx 570s. I have video memory set to default. I had been messing around with things in my bios to see what it could possibly be, but I cant find a bottle neck anywhere. I thought I had fixed it because I logged in and was running around Electro with 55-60fps and getting high 80-90% gpu usage, but then I logged into another server and it was back to both of them being 30-50% usage and like 25-35fps in same city. Really wondering what could be causing this. I also have 16gb of DDR3 1600 RAM.
