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About dashady187

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dashady187

    Backpack problem

    That happens to me too sometimes. It's really annoying to lose an upgraded backpack. One time the skin switched back on me while I was riding a bike and caused me to freeze in mid-air like I was still on the bike. I was stuck there. It sucked.
  2. dashady187

    Bounty Hunting

    How will you know you are shooting and killing the correct person?
  3. dashady187

    DayZ not using GPU's Fully, low fps.

    Any other ideas?
  4. dashady187

    DayZ not using GPU's Fully, low fps.

    Just did a little test. Ran around outside of Cherno with max view distance and got 60fps with around 50-65% gpu usage. The moment I went into Cherno gpu usage shot down to around 30%. I lowered the view distance almost as low as it could go and saw no increase in gpu usage.
  5. dashady187

    DayZ not using GPU's Fully, low fps.

    I currently have the view distance maxed out, but I've read that by turning it down it actually shifts the work from the CPU back to the GPU is this correct? Seems strange, but worth a try.
  6. dashady187

    DayZ not using GPU's Fully, low fps.

    CPU limited even with a Intel Core i5 2500K? Jesus what does this game need for a CPU then?
  7. dashady187

    DayZ not using GPU's Fully, low fps.

    In that case do you think I would get better performance running Dayz with SLI disabled?
  8. dashady187

    DayZ not using GPU's Fully, low fps.

    I also have been noticing this issue. I have the same cpu as you do, just not overclocked. I'm running two nvidia gtx 570s. I have video memory set to default. I had been messing around with things in my bios to see what it could possibly be, but I cant find a bottle neck anywhere. I thought I had fixed it because I logged in and was running around Electro with 55-60fps and getting high 80-90% gpu usage, but then I logged into another server and it was back to both of them being 30-50% usage and like 25-35fps in same city. Really wondering what could be causing this. I also have 16gb of DDR3 1600 RAM.