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About PandaBear

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Well, this was last month I think, forgot to upload it tho ;) Story: It went a little like this, it was a beautiful day in DayZ, when these two lovely friendlies came to pick me up at Skalisty Island, ready to head to our camp in Berenzino, we took off, It was the most lovely flight, our landing tho, didn't go that nice, there was nothing really wrong with it, except the fact that it was on a side of the hill... As you might assume, it started falling down, while me and one of my buds were out already, one guy, the one knocked out was still in the helicopter, he unfortunetly got out only when the heli crashed into trees, and went all crazy, there was a massive boom, and so there he was, with a broken leg, knocked out, running out of blood, patched him up, but didn't have a epipen ,as It seemed his knock out time was huge, we took him to cover, and well, decided to have fun! Pandabear
  2. PandaBear

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Howdy folks! I would love to be part of this organization! Cba to read all the comments tho, can someone tell me how that will be possible? I would love to cover the patrols tho, my AS50 and L85 are ready for some bandit killing and tracking! Keemik edit: aye, never mind, none are accepting my age.
  3. PandaBear

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Dislike this update. The main reason is that I lost artifacting in, after this update it came back:(