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Everything posted by ksolheim

  1. ksolheim

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Absolutely, we are postponing updating our server until its on DayZ Commander
  2. ksolheim

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I've noticed it on the PDW and ER7
  3. ksolheim

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thansk for the great map and update. However I have a bug to report regarding Warm Clothing. Putting on Warm Clothing will cause your iron sights to be off center and useless.
  4. ksolheim

    Admin team cheating on Norway 22

    Hi Expressen, I'm one of the admins on Norway 22. wat? Talon wat? sylan wat? Ksolheim wat? lostone We usually play together Exactly the same happened to lostone, sylvan and me twice on the same day as you hade your bad experience. We also suspected someone cheating, but without any clear evidence we couldn't take any action. We have requested access to the logs from our server host and hopefully in the future we will be able to take retroactively action. The reason Talon was asking if your friend could see him was because every time he re-spawned, he was underground and couldn't move. We spent most of that night running up and down the coast killing Talon, trying to free him from the ground. Can't comment on this since I wasn't online, but please report obvious cheating to [email protected] and we'll look into it. Yesterday we implemented server-side event blocking, hopefully this should reduce the amount of hacking going on our server. We hope you once again will consider Norway 22 your favorite server. Best regards, ksolheim