for the last 24 hours or so i have been kicked by 7 admin on several servers (basically for them to scavange the whole map on their own), i died at least 3 times by hacking pieces of trashes, i pass on all the "stuck on loading" shit ofc. But whet piss me off the most is my last death and what came after, i basically died to a hacker that chain tp next to me to kill me after what i simply respawn with 2k blood, a broken leg and a 3 week coma... I'm not joking a 3 weeks coma : You can see on this screen my char on the ground after 7 hours, i get the same crap on every server. I can't use the esc/respawn, notihng happen when i hit esc anyway, the only tihng i can do is alt-f4, i barely know where i respawned in that state and know no one who might even try to epi-pen me (and this is pathetic anyway to have to rely on hypotetical game to go out of a 3 week gamebreaking bug). I don't know if what infuriate me the most is tha fact that someone let a game roll a 23514325613643 hours coma without any limitation or the fact that my thirst/hunger icon have been flashing for more than one hour poiting the fact that i will never be able to play again. So what the heck is going on this game ?