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About Arctosaqt

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. :D:D, long story, it means cute, to fuck up the noobs.
  2. i didnt ever used a hack, there comes a message with global ban #23ca, or something
  3. i didnt used any hacks, or cheats, you can search in my whole computer for hacks or something!, you wont find anything. you stole me 20€!
  4. Arctosaqt

    stuck in debug plains, cant get out!!!!

    respawn doesnt work.
  5. hey,cant get out of the debug plains, need a port in a playable area ingame name : arctosaqt player id:47221766 !!!!
  6. my player id is :47221766 i need to get out of this shitty area, thank you so much if i dont loose my gear.
  7. hey, plz reset me in a playable area too, i dont know how i can find out my player id, but my name is arctosaqt