If anyone has played Wurm you may understand the depth of its crafting/building system. This type of crafting/building system would give DayZ the depth that it already contains in survival mode, i.e. gather the simple things like food, water. I enjoy the difficult level in this game as-is. As a standalone, the depth should continue to the new systems. From what it takes to build a building, an incredible amount of time, to the time to gather the resources, storage types and such. The open real world is how the game should develop further. If i put all my logs in a huge pile to build my house, Mr. neighbor can stop by and take some if he wants (not without consequences though). Imagine the time it would take you, survivor in a zombie world, to cut down trees, clean the wood, nail them together, it would be massive amounts of time, but with several survivors, it can be done MUCH quicker.