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Everything posted by Noons

  1. Noons

    Where to find tents.

    Sorry was meaning if they had a spare one stored in their tent. Also just found another one in the toilet out front of the Devils Castle.
  2. Private and hive are separate so atm I have 2 diff chars so to speak. Vilayer run a group of servers so I have a char there and another on the public servers. Vehicles only exist on that server and you can store gear in them. Tents are the same. Both can be looted/stolen by others. You can get bigger backpacks and move between servers saving items on your home server tent or car. Don't get close to your gear. Be prepared to lose it every minute you play thanks to the d'bags hacking. Other than that enjoy the game.
  3. Q5. You'll need at minimum an axe to kill it. A knife to gut it. Firewood cut using the axe and matches for a fire.
  4. Noons


    Also make sure your firewall isn't blocking the site. And be patient it can take a while sometimes. Give it 5 minutes if it hasn't worked try again.
  5. Noons

    Where to find tents.

    Supermarkets but get out of the two big towns. The last tent I found was the supermarket sw of the big airfield. Also you can steal them in the woods from other players but this requires a little more searching.
  6. Noons

    System requirments

    I've got a similar laptop with a 320m video card which is a little worse. No idea on fps but it plays ok with a few things turned down. I prefer my desktop but it gives me a dose of DayZ when I'm away from home. If you can still get Arma free then try that on your laptop.
  7. Noons

    Looking for players in Australia.

    Come check out the thread in Whirlpool http://forums.whirlp...05&p=-1 They are on TS and the same server. I have trouble logging into the server but plenty of others seem to be having fun.
  8. Just got shot from behind in Cherno. "You are dead." Spawned back into play and I'm lying on my side with the Green circle and white hourglass watching my body bleed out. Taking a while to die but hopefully I'll bleed out completely. And no I'm not a server hopper so stfu.
  9. Noons

    3rd person problems (Laptop)

    1st person gives a smaller field of view which is more like r/l I guess. Would be great to have multi monitors setup with trackir to give you almost life like field of view but my budget and/or wife will not permit it.
  10. Great post. As you say game mechanics are the problem in other games. The PvP of the game is amazing especially for the lone hunters amongst us. I wish there was a way to more easily identify where you might see some other players other than the two big towns. Perhaps "Bandit Radio" is what is requried.
  11. Noons

    Help loading my hatchet

    I think you need 10 slots for a primary weapon but I've not actually tried it just read it here somewhere. If your outta ammo I'd just chuck it and use the hatchet till you come across something else. I usually find guns in barns or the tower of the NE airport. I don't stick around the big cities long enough, too many Zed's.
  12. PvP must stay. Friendly Fire must stay. These things make this game difficult and appeal in a strange way. After playing games where death means nothing this is quite refreshing. I'd also like to see more animals in the forests. Some could be infected with Zombie and cause you to slowly die without a med. This game has hit a nerve with gamers and has huge potential imo.
  13. Noons

    Afraid to die - are you?

    Finally I have a guy worthy of going bush with. So I plan to stay alive as long as I can. You need some basic supplies to become self sufficient then it's just a matter of surviving it seems.