So heres the idea folks. Let's face it with how this game is currently designed there is no server side ness. People jump from server to server all the time. So having something server side in regards to bounties or the such is pointless. Now someone mentioned a swell idea that you could witness murders and such and pass those on to other survivors via trade. (WONDERFUL) Yet we can already sort of do this. So heres what we do. Open up a survivor board. A simple forum board. People post other players ids and they say our bandits and why or whatever. Bandits of course will come on and say regular people are bandits as well. No skins means you can't really ever trust whats on it (like real life). Personally I would prefer it be an open forum where anyone can delete any post or edit any post as to mimic real world message boards (which lets face it is what survivors would use to communicate during a zombie apocalypse) So that should solve most problems by presenting more.