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Posts posted by gbarnachea

  1. It's your CPU. Your gfx card is good enough to get higher FPS but Arma requires a good CPU.. I'd say upgrade that and you'll notice a huge increase.

    It can't be his cpu, im still on a core2duo E7500 gtx 260 sc and it runs very smooth.

    Forest i average around 20 fps, in the citys is a unplayable 10 fps, i have all graphical settings on lowest possible.

    My specs are: Evga Nvidia GTX 560 1Gb, Intel Quad core Q8200 @ 2.33ghz, 4gb ddr3 ram, Vista 64bit.

    I can max BF3 so this really bothers me :/

    What can i do to increase FPS?

    It has to be in the server you're in. What are the pings of the servers you join?

  2. Me and some bandit started firing at each other but i was able to kill him first. Although, as of now im just bleeding with a broken bone and knocked out..completely. The knock out bar won't even go down and i can't go first person, Esc > abort. I just had to task manage it to close the client. Happened to anyone before? Should i just have one of my buddies kill me?
