Holy crap, thanks for all this interest. I've got to say, the thing about this that I was not expecting is how fun it is. When I gave Gracey a transfusion last night, I had walked out to meet him with no weapons. Just walking down a dirt road toward where I thought he was, hoping not to get shot. My heart was racing. Then he stepped out in the road (from behind me) and puts his guns on the ground, and comes over to me. Very suspenseful. And thanks to everyone for your posts about what I've done for you, it really helps add to my credibility. I'm sure most people on VA 18 just think I'm some kind of elaborate bandit or something. But, thanks to pzrapnbeast's help last night, I am restocked after dying to bandits near Cherno, so today I'm off to find a car. Please keep letting me know your thoughts and opinions on this, guys.