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Posts posted by Bpwnd

  1. Had this happen today. Had no trouble logging onto the first server tonight, but when I logged out (normally) and switched servers to join a friend, my game bugged out. I spawned in the no-man's-land debug zone with nothing in my inventory, no backpack, and a server message saying I was killed. Being stuck in the debug zone, I logged out and tried a different server. This time I spawned on the southern coast, but still had no inventory, backpack, or even any of the starter items. However, it had saved my kill stats, blood level, food level, etc. as if I hadn't died. I was almost immediately killed by a zed that took one swipe at me because I had no bandages and consequently bled to death. After dying I respawned normally on the coast with the proper starter items. On a sliver of hope I logged onto the server where I had bugged out. This time I was able to log in normally. I hoofed it north and after an hour of running (and a detour through a town to grab some beans) I managed to return to where I had been right before I bugged out. Luckily, I found my corpse laying there and was able to retrieve my items. I was pretty damn happy given that I was almost fully geared.

    Basically, all I can say to anyone unfortunate enough to have this happen to them is to try and return to where you died. If you're lucky, your body will be there waiting with your gear. If not...well there's probably an Enfield in the barn over there.

    Dayz Alpha is the worst best game ever. All these bugs are killing me (literally), and sometimes this game really makes me want to pull my hair out, but I still love it. At least I had an adventure getting back to my body.

    When: 8/15/2012


    I log in using DayZ Commander

    Same thing has happened to me twice now. I have grown tolerant of disappearing vehicles and tents, but disappearing gear is really unacceptable.


    Arma2 95883

    logging in with DayZ Commander

    losing patience...
