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About Roehon

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  1. I have a question, do you gain condition when you are not logged into the game? I for one will log off fine and later login to find myself bleeding to death or starving to death? does this happen to anybody else. thanks:@
  2. I logged out last night fine but when I logged back ini today I spawned I'm a field with 6 or 7 others just standing stuck unable to move so I respond and now I getting the othe hourglass and bleeding out thing again
  3. Roehon

    Respawn and Die

    where do i finde my profile name/id
  4. Roehon

    Respawn and Die

    bump please help with this issue
  5. Roehon

    Respawn and Die

    when I respawn I have a new bag with ammo and food but I have very low blood even if i use meds in my bag I'll end up bleeding to death.
  6. Roehon

    Respawn and Die

    I'm having the same spawn issue as you Driftingjoint and it all started about and hour ago for me. I'm using the steam verison and on win 7 64nit can anyone help
  7. Roehon

    Waiting for character to create

    tryed to reinstall Battleye but got an error saying missing string so.. im downloading the game again from steam to try and reinstall everything
  8. Roehon

    Waiting for character to create

    when i try to reinstall the battleye thing I get an error "missing string"
  9. the loading screen will get to something like 90% (receiving data) loading bar then it just kicks me back to server list... I don't think i get an error msg
  10. I just got the game from steam and have the same issue my game ver is 1.60.87580. help my out