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DayZ Supporter
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Everything posted by hoster

  1. @Grezvany13 Quick and easy weapon modifications and Aiming down and over sights are two features that has already been presented in the ARMA III gameplay commentary that was released during E3, so I am sure that will be part of the standalone version of DayZ as well(it would be silly not to be.), and more realistic bullet physics is probably being worked on (if not already implemented.) in the ARMA III engine. Weight system, though? Probably not, in a literal sense anyway. But I think it could be cool. Some sort of system for encumbrance would be welcome, I'd say. Someone running around with an M107 in his hands or on his back will probably not run as fast, or as long as someone with ... say, an AKS-U. You have some good points, but implementing mods for an out-dated engine into a standalone game running on a new engine isn't really reasonable. Looking at the features the mod provides and taking ideas from them, on the other hand, is a much better idea...