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About GovMcFly

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    On the Coast
  1. GovMcFly

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    Oh I totally agree that forest fires should not be implemented. But if there are player made structures...I want to be able to burn them down ha. Just not sure if that would be possible. Would have to be some sturdy ass trees..
  2. I like the idea of classes/skill system. Not necesarily changing the way people spawn but a skill system makes sense. A good point people have made is that not everyone can do everything. I like a skill system idea that gradually increases depending on your play style and/or time. Fear is something I think should be in the game. I.e, if the less time you have been alive the more "shaken" you are by zombies nearby or killing someone. I.e. If I kill someone for the first time, zombies or not, I most likely would be pretty shaken that I just took a life. By the 4th or 5th one I won't care. Granted, this could cause some major greifing by people who no longer care about fear shooting at new players. But does make sense, but may not be possible. Survivalism: Able to harvest more meat from animals (e.g. less meat when first carving your animals since you would have no idea what you are doing) and I imagine fishing has been discussed as a way to get food. Basically make it easier to survive in the woods and create fires and live off the land. Medical: Let's face it, unless you are a doctor, chances are healing yourself or doing anything medical related would not be easy and you would have to get better. Engineering: Should be able to break/fail when repairing vehicles/salvaging. I can gather parts to a car but I sure as hell couldn't fix it. These are just some quick ideas. Basically if you have a class you would have a slight starting bump in these and would have to learn them in the wild so to speak. Anyone can learn any of them, but some are more adept than others starting off, but no one would receive a significant advantage. Also, would make sense to be able keep say 50% of your skills from your previous character. (I know this affects realism, but some people would be far better at skills than others at the start of any catastrophic event) Also, there would be a penalty for constant dying and would make more sense to protect your character and identity. Just my thoughts on the class system..
  3. GovMcFly

    The Hatchet vs Crowbar Dilemma

    This might have been mentioned, but I would like the ability to throw a melee weapon (the hatchet). Would it make sense to do often? No. But I still want an option.
  4. GovMcFly

    Level/map Progression "Story Mode"

    Retire system could be fun for some people, or like a "leaderboard" so to speak. Maybe some towns would have a place where you could read where "John Smith lived for xxx days" or "John Smith killed xxx zeds." or "John Smith killed xx survivors". Not any leaderboard that mattered, but something to say, hey, that is impressive to do that!
  5. GovMcFly

    Different types of Infected / Zombies

    I agree! And police/soldier zombies should sometimes have maybe body armor/riot gear and be harder to take down. I would imagine there would be some police in full riot gear when a zombie outbreak happens. Also would make a military loot adventure be more satisfying knowing there is more risk.
  6. GovMcFly

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    I think this idea is great. This may a bit farfetched part of it, but maybe some kind of farming/fishing ability too? Maybe I want to make a tree stand in the woods and grow my own food so I don't have to go into town. This goes towards the "destructible" aspect, but if I make something out of wood, I want to be able to burn it down too. If I find someones house, I want to be able to burn it down as well. Of course, I dunno if that is possible to do how it would work with the realism since you obiviously can't allow players to be able to start forest fires. I dunno how "realistic" it would be to be able to burn down a wooden house/deer stand but let the trees not burn ha. Would make for some great events to see a burning cabin in the distance and know people are running towards the smoke!
  7. GovMcFly

    Bullet Proof West

    I like this idea. I also like the idea that the vests/armor/helmet (whatever the protection may be) degrades with each attack (whether or not the player wearing them lives). So if you have a vest and get shot, the "health" of the armor goes down as does the protection it provides eventually becomes useless. That being said, I think it would be nice to be able to have some skill sets (which I am sure has been discussed before). Not skill points, but ones that gradually go up slowly over use and or time. Such as being able to repair a vest a bit but never completely. For authenticity sake, I would imagine that surviving in a zombie infested world of my own I would pick up some survivalist/repairing/field doctor/marksman ect skills so that I can live even a bit longer.
  8. GovMcFly

    new zombie:)

    I think different zombies would add to it. Not like Left 4 Dead or Resident Evil zombies, however. Well, actually like some of the basic zombies in Left 4 Dead are a good idea. I.E. if a zombie is in riot gear, they should be harder to shoot with bullets. Or a zombie soldier with body armor would be harder to kill (and thus making military loot more difficult to get and feel more desirable. Basically just zombies with different sorts of gear that they died in would add to realism. A zombie in riot gear or a soldier with body armor and a helmet would be harder to take down than a zombie in scrubs you would think. That being said, I would say the more "protection" a zombie has, the more weight it would be carrying and thus slower it would be. So not necessarily zombie types but still adds a bit of diversity.
  9. GovMcFly

    As For Missions for Dayz

    I like this idea, especially the part about getting random radio transmissions to start a mission. However, I think, if coding even allows, say 10 or 15 people at a time get a mission over the radio. And by mission, I would say there is an npc who is dying and he is saying he needs help at the barn in XXX village/town. Has a body, some loot and extra zombies around it. Maybe he died at a campfire or bled to death at a flare hoping for help. Either or, adds a bit more fun since you have survivors and bandits going to the same place. Maybe everyone on the server gets one every 30 minutes. But, on a server of say 50, 5 sets of people (10) each get a different mission location so as not everyone is headed to the same location in a giant cluster f. My two cents, again, since this is a mod only, i don't even know if that is possible through the coding. Be fun though. I'm sure not everyone would like that idea.