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About handleyboy

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    Surviving the apocalypse
  1. handleyboy

    Bigfoot in standalone?

    Yeh i like it but it would have to be super rare like u say
  2. Yeh i must be not looking in the right spots.
  3. Great server your running ive been playing on it a while and tents are very reliable on it never had any problems. However i have never seen a vehicle.
  4. handleyboy

    Justice in Cherno: Death or exile?

  5. handleyboy

    Loot Farm - Is this weird?

    You ditched the bike??????? ive been playing for ober 60 hour and found 1 vehicle lol
  6. handleyboy

    Should tents work...?

    If the tent is still there and nothing inside it means somebody has found and looted or its a buggy server. However if the tent is totally gone a server restart should bring it bck.
  7. handleyboy

    Looking for svd camo

    cz550's yes i have found tthem but i dont consider them decent compared to svd camo and others and never found a dmr i must be so unlucky.
  8. handleyboy

    Looking for svd camo

    ive never even seen a satchel charge or even a decent sniper and ive been playing months.
  9. I would like a svd camo i have got a pair of NVG and a ghillie suit to trade plus some other things please reply to this or pm with what you want
  10. SVD CAMO would be my 1st choice but m107,as50
  11. got any snipers for trade i have a spare pair of NVG
  12. handleyboy

    Finding a tent/vehicle to store excess items

    I have been playing over 60+ hours and never had a vehicle so good luck with that. I find all my tents in the supermarkets
  13. handleyboy

    Hand-slot and some stuff to go with it.

    Good idea i would love to see it put in the standalone
  14. Its the same for me aswell i have never found a good sniper in over 60+ hours of play