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About logs88

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  1. logs88

    I actually did it

    This is why i don't post things here... I said what happened i don't really care if you believe me or not Jesus. I'm with you iv'e also tested it it doesn't seem to appear possible which is why i was so surprised when it happened. So if you don't have anything "nice" to say, well just quiet politely excuse yourself from the conversation.
  2. logs88

    I actually did it

    @SP86 I took the shot from 400meters hit him in the shin/lower thighs, believe what you want i just wanted to share what happened. i can see myself in your shoes not believing me but im as surprised as you are that this actually happened.
  3. logs88

    I actually did it

    Of course you guys don't believe me you weren't there... Simple how some of you think "Pictures? No? FAKE BULLSHIT" Really guys i shot they both went down forgot to add they didn't both die my friend finished them of i was covering him the shot was from 400 meters away about. Also i knew it wasn't possible in the engine that's why i was so surprised.
  4. I read that it was impossible but i just got 2 kills with one bullet with my m107. I know all of you are going flip out because i don't have a video of it but i'm sorry that i don't record every time i play just wanted to put that out there that it is possible to get a collateral in this game.
  5. logs88

    Bandit at Stary Sobor GB #500

    Wait a second what specific server it might have been me lol
  6. logs88

    Dmr or L85 trade

    Because iv'e had many successful trades and im not a douchebag do you have skype? ill talk to you on that
  7. I would like an l85 or a Dmr i have nvg's, ghile suits, as50's, m4 silenced, m9 silinced, rangefinders, and more pm me or post a comment.
  8. logs88

    DMR Trade

    I have 2 nvg's
  9. logs88

    DMR Trade

    Willing to trade almost anything you want for a Dmr preferably ammo but not necessary leave a comment or pm me if your interrested
  10. logs88

    Trading yet again

    I now have an mk48 so all im looking for now is a m4 sd
  11. logs88

    Trading yet again

    I do have a coyate backpack
  12. logs88

    Trading yet again

    Just a regular m16? no way
  13. logs88

    Trading yet again

    For a ghile suit no
  14. I have a ghile suit, nvg's, m9 silenced, m14aim, and all the tools but 2 i also have many other medical supplies, ammo, food, etc. All i ask in return is for one of these guns. Mk mod 11, M4A1 Camo sd, L85.
  15. Please please contact me if you have nvg's i really hope we can work something out im in dire need to them comment if you think we can have a deal