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Everything posted by DoctorCrazy

  1. DoctorCrazy

    Dayz profile skins??

    does anybody know how to change profile skins? i dont have the "arma II other profiles" file that you need to open to alter the profile FACE file, anyone have anyideas?
  2. DoctorCrazy

    Dayz profile skins??

    oh ok, thanks guys
  3. used to love dayz.... but after my last character i had died earlier today (i had been alive with so much gear since august) i started to loose hope. Before you click away and think i'm complaining about someone betraying me and shooting me in back, loosing in a firefight, or even falling off a ladder, know that I am not. I died from checking my tent at my groups camp and as i clicked the menu closed and started walking away, I flew through the ground, then fell from the sky on the coast 200 yards from the sky to my death... so having no idea where I died, or even what the F**K HAD HAPPENED?!?! I said hm i lived a long time, ill start over... So i make my way thru elektro to lightly loot what I can, and make my way back to camp, then i decide hm might be easier if i had a ride. What have i got to loose right??? so i find an atv an hour or so later and took the next 3-4 hours searching for engine, wheel, and gas and being victorious in my search i fix up the atv to perfection. and I even ride it smoothly down the hill.... now what? u may ask? well i drove the atv around the corner and over a tiny, tiny bridge over rail road tracks going about 20-30 mph and i do a crazy back-side 1080 flip, land on my head go into shock, flip the atv over and die.... needless to say after taking a break from this game for a few weeks back in september i am now quitting this game for a much longer time... anyone else experience these type of glitches? and/or does anyone know how to flip an atv with no-one on it? p.s thanks for letting me rant
  4. thansk for the feedback guys, and ya ill def. anticipate the stand alone game, any idea as to when that comes out?
  5. Im 21, from Massachusetts and I'm looking for other mature players to play with. I stoped playing this game about a month ago because I got bored playing the game alone. I still got my cool gear cuz I never Died and now looking to team up and go on some missions or adventures across the map. Add me on steam: Doctor Crazy
  6. DoctorCrazy

    Looking for a player/team to join up

    Hey I'm 21 and I'm from the East Coast too, (Mass.) and love teaming up and playing this game with trustworthy team mates, add me on steam; Doctor Crazy
  7. DoctorCrazy

    Looking for a Partner!

    my steam name is Doctor Crazy btw
  8. DoctorCrazy

    Looking for a Partner!

    add me on steam im a DayZ vet by now and just like teaming up and playing with trust worthy ppl, im 21 from mass. and I havent been on a whole lot lately but i'm guna start being on alot more
  9. I found a nice car in need of just a few things (fuel, eng.parts, 2 tires) and I already have the jerry can and tire on me. Just need help with someone who has a toolbelt, and wants to group up cruise Chernarus and loot what we can. So any friendlies out there who have a toolbelt and wanna help out on a project PM me or add your steam name here.
  10. DoctorCrazy

    need help fixing a car (dont have toolbelt)

    dam, found everthing but a freakin engine, cant find one anywhere
  11. hey all i'm looking for a few people to group up with, Serious friendlies only, no traitors. I have a few blood packs so if you need healed i can help. I also have an extra map for who ever needs it. add me on steam; Doctor Crazy. I also have team speak and mic.
  12. DoctorCrazy

    looking for some legit friendly players

    we could fix up a vehicle, and group loot. shoot down bandits if they attack us. just easier way to stay safe. also blood transfers to thoe who need it.
  13. DoctorCrazy

    looking for some legit friendly players

    i guess ur right. but still have to state that. traitors belong on the traitor forum going around and thats it.
  14. DoctorCrazy

    Need a loot/zombie killer/Murder freindly....

    lol @ murder friendly hahaha
  15. DoctorCrazy

    You think you've got it bad......

    same thing hapend to me man, luckly after posting on here, a guy name Sephka was nice enough, to find me, not kill me but stick me with an epipen, completly resupply me and sent me on my way. for every 100 dickheads you meet on DayZ, there are a few good ppl out there.
  16. DoctorCrazy

    Looking for some people to play with.

    hey man im always looking for ppl to group with steam name is Docotor Crazy. i have blood if anyone needs healed too. have mic and team speak
  17. my steam is Doctor Crazy- ive helped and been helped by some really great ppl on here add me if you feel like playing man i'm on all the time and always lookin to squadup
  18. DoctorCrazy

    Looking To Form Small Tactical Group

    hey man got an ak, bunch of supplies and a map, i can help, but have no mic or skype, have steam account; Docotor Crazy and we can use direct conversation in game so i havent found not having a mic to be that difficlut, let me know man, iv'e been dying to have a legit squad in this game, maybe even fix up a car and shit, let me know
  19. DoctorCrazy

    Looking for a partner or group

    im down man i'm always looking for legit players to play with, a squad would be even better. my steam is Doctor Crazy i play alot so ill prob. be on
  20. DoctorCrazy

    Survivor Colony!

    do you have to get a mic to get in?
  21. I was running from a bandit in Elektro and found myself in the school, when all of a sudden the server shuts down. So i log back onto a different server and now my guy keeps spawning inside the school, but inside the walls, like inside one of the rooms that has the door not able to be open, you can tell its an obvious glitch because there's no textures where i spawn just invisable walls that I can't walk through. and the worst part is i can't even kill my character because the zombies can't get to me. I've tried 20+ servers and I keep spawning in the walls. Anyone have any advice? is there anyway to alter where you spawn? if not i'm screwed and probably can't play the game anymore. any help would greatly be apreciated.
  22. doesnt that fuckup ur keyboard? lol good idea tho
  23. O hell ya! i just logged onto this server and the school was blownup!!!! so there were no walls or anything just a pile of rubbel! I had no idea buildings could be destroyed. but on this server the school is gone. thanks for the help tho
  24. i keep trying different servers, right now im on US 2724, but i can't be reached by players or zombies, I can't get out and no one can get in. I really don't know what to do, I love this game. But since I can't create a new player, I can't play. really sucks