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Everything posted by UhOhNo

  1. A few friends and i are looking for some more people to play with, if you're interested add me on Skype: kahu.day or Steam: kahu202 Hope to hear from someone soon :)
  2. Basically just looking for some people to join up with me and a few friends (love to rebuild cars and go around looking for crash sites and an occasional tent/bandit camp raid). If you're interested... Skype: kahu.day Steam: kahu202
  3. Chealse... uhh sure whenever i feel like it? xD And yeah alright BTR
  4. Yeah reaper, go ahead, send an inv on skype or steam :)
  5. UhOhNo

    Stuck on ''Loading'' screen.

    Just keep trying other servers. I get exactly the same problem with servers myself.
  6. Basically I've been running around surviving alone and occasionally with a friend of mine. But it gets boring, so anyone wanna team up and survive together. Little bit about myself: Im 15. Timezone is GMT+10 E. Australia Standard Time Mostly online from 4pm-10pm (weekDayZ) and all day in the weekends. Steam: kahu202 and if that doesnt work try masian3 Skype: kahu.day Hope to hear from someone soon. :)
  7. UhOhNo

    Looking for DayZ friends!

    Heya dude, been playing a few months with a new friend and we need some more people to run around with. steam: kahu202 or masian3 skype: kahu.day Hope to hear from you soon. :)
  8. UhOhNo


    Honestly looks like a good way to give people who have water bottles a bit of a surprise.
  9. UhOhNo

    Looking for someone to play with

    Been playing for a good few months. What's your steam and skype if you have it? :)