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About Ap0calyps3

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ap0calyps3

    Admins can´t read ?

    LOL! HFB do allow you to ban and update your own filters. Please don't blame your lack of server management skills on a great host.
  2. Ap0calyps3

    Community Banlist

    Oh wow, someone doth protest too much! Seeing things from the admin side, I am certainly thankful that some clever people volunteer their time to run the CBL. Vandrel seems to have the attitude that any possibility of a false positive invalidates the value of the list. More reasonable people, who have a responsibility to their players to provide a more secure and fair playground, will disagree with him. By your logic Vandrel, we should shut down the emergency telephone services because they are open to abuse/swatting. There is even less vetting happening in that system, lets ditch it! On a more serious note, this system (the CBL) is an example of players working together to provide a service improvement to their community. And while I would be annoyed to find myself on the list, I don't expect to end up there, and would know what to do if I did. Finally, let me just say that there seems to be this massive sense of entitlement among SOME of the regular players in this community. Many server admins provide a lot of their own time and effort in order to keep these little fantasy worlds running fairly and consistently. I am sure there are a few bad apples who abuse their power, but I know for myself and the players on the server I admin, I don't care about the loot, or the deaths or the vehicles, as long as it is a consistent world. Ensuring the server I play on is as pure as possible is half the fun of playing for me. There is nothing more disruptive to the "suspension of disbelief" then having cheaters spawning in vehicles/items/buildings, map hacking, esping. And worse is knowing that you can't do anything until you check the logs. At least with a community ban list we know that most of the known offenders will be blocked at the gate before they can cause damage. At least until they buy another CD key.
  3. Ap0calyps3

    Rampant hackers on HFB servers

    The following is to be done from hfbservers.com:[PORT_NUMBER_HERE]. You will need to log in with your admin credentials. 1. From your Game Services page click on File Explorer. 2. Navigate to your cfgdayz/Battleye folder, inside you will see bans.txt, createvehicle.log, remoteexec.log and scripts.log. 3. Search the logs for PROOF of the offensive actions (Please make sure the entry is an actual hack and not part of the normal operations of the game). The entry will include the GUID (long string of hexedecimal) of the player who hacked. Copy the guid. 4. Add the guid followed by "-1 Reason you are banned text here." without the quotes to bans.txt. Save the file. 5. Open an rcon session to your server and type loadBans then press enter. 6. Report the cheater and provide the proof to the DayZ forum (remove their IP address from logs). Also report to http://code.google.c...munity-banlist/ so other servers can benefit from your observations. 7. Profit ...??? This works on HFB servers, I hope it was helpful. While your at it, add the list of bans from http://code.google.c...e/bans/bans.txt to your bans.txt and keep it updated. Also, periodically back up your bans.txt. *edited for clarification as I forgot some people need even more spoon feeding.
  4. Ap0calyps3

    Script Restriction #40 ?

    Oh my god you didn't just cite Punkbuster as a good anti cheat did you? Warden or VAC maybe, but PB?
  5. Ap0calyps3

    Drones/ UAV (Ka-137 and Pchela-1T)

    I think fixed UAV stations would add a great resource for survivors to strive for. And this would be the key to balancing them. Here is how I think it would work; - UAV can only be controlled from one of the airfields in the game. Most likely based in the air tower or a small trailer on the airfield. The fixed location of these stations would create a tactical hotspot that survivors could work together or fight to control. - The UAV station and UAV would spawn randomly at one of the 3 airfields on the map. The UAV would require fueling and only one could be spawned at a time. Flight time would be limited so that the operator could not survey the entire map in one or two flights. - Killing the UAV operator would allow the attacker to take over the station and look at the current video feed from the UAV. Destroying the UAV station would cause the UAV to crash. Destruction could be achieved through RPG or satchel charges. UAV running out of fuel before landing will cause it to crash. Players with rifles would be able to shoot down the UAV in similar fashion to how they take down helicopters. - If the pilot manages to land the UAV on a road or highway, his team mates should be able to go to the location to refuel it. - After destruction there should be a cooldown before UAV spawn counter can start again. Adding an element like this would provide an excellent incentive to team work. While it would be feasable for a solo player to fuel and fly the UAV, the risk would be high due to them being completely helpless while at the pilot seat. Team players that work together could use it for both a survelliance tool as well as a tempting trap for other pvpers. Pilots could manually fly the UAV into an enemy chopper, damaging the chopper heavily. Adding something like this could open up more option for players. They could defend their home turf or seek out enemy camps from the skies. And seeing as the game lets you fly a helicopter, I don't think it is unfeasable that the player could pilot a UAV, they are basically RC planes and easier to fly than a chopper by a long shot. And finally, it's already in Arma2 so it shouldn't be too hard to add at a technical level.
  6. Ap0calyps3

    Kill Camera

    This is a terrible idea. The dead don't care how they died. They are dead. Your next spawn is supposed to be another human altogether. Just be grateful you can run back to your former personas corpse.