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About Sveglia

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  1. Sveglia

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    Wanting to have more zombie aggro at you if you're involved in a loud shootout... in a zombie mod... Yeah, classical carebear... So in other words, you don't need the zombies at all, or are you too afraid of them? for me that sounds like a carebear to be honest.
  2. Sveglia

    How to handle the backstabbers?

    You can't deal with them, is a matter of luck really. Don't change the way you play though, otherwise they win.
  3. Sveglia

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    That's actually the exact definition of a "carebear." Definition: an insult' date=' the term applies less to players who merely prefer PVE to PVP and more to individuals who question the basic legitimacy of PVP or who greatly overreact to their avatars' deaths. As used in DayZ: Someone who likes anything that isn't total bandit griefing (not PvP, many PvP players hate griefing and are labelled carebears for it.) [/quote'] I throw a suggestion a while ago, not condemning at all the PvP, not punishing "bandits", not rewarding "survivors", I just suggest more aggro from zeds everytime some PvP took place, aggro for everyone, no matter if you're the "good" guy or the "bad" guy. The idea was making the zombies something more to take care of... and they called me carebear just for that, the word lost his meaning already, as now is just a troll kid word, or something you say to someone who doesn't think like you.
  4. Sveglia

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    Implying all my friends buyed ARMA2 and just for one mod in alpha stage. I'm lucky that two friends of mine have the game, but some people don't have that luck.
  5. Sveglia

    Are the new female skins racist?

    It was just a joke man, take it easy...
  6. And so do I, problem is, the other 49 players lol.
  7. Sveglia

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    But the scope of the game isn't kill everyone on sight either. Because this is what is happening, you can't know if this guy is a bandit or not, so, they shoot first. No interaction, no time to ask "friendly?", no chance to know the other people, paranoids everywhere. And that's an empty deathmatch. Removing bandits turned everybody into one.
  8. Sveglia

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    That's the problem, DayZ is slowly turning in those games. And that's what some of us don't want, the majority is happy about it.
  9. Don't know wich part of "I don't condemn PvP" you didn't understand, and there is again the "carebear" word, yeah, that's got to be a good point. Last time I checked this was a zombie mod, ok, turn this into a hollow deathmatch like any other game can offer (and maybe in better ways), have fun CoD kids.
  10. This is going to became a massive PvP with survival needs and some random zombies around, hell, maybe one day they remove the zombies and no one will notice that. This is what this guys want, and this is what they get it. They infested the game, and now the forums, and everyone who begs to differ is a "carebear", as my -1 reputation shows.
  11. In any way I say "bandits" aggroes more than "survivors", it seems like bandits take a defensive stand in vain, and I quote myself: it goes to both type of players, survivor killers, bandit killers, just for the fun killers, you kill you make the game a little harder for you, and certainly you have the chance to reduce that aggro... I just wanted to make the zombies do something more than just stand there, I don't condemn PvP, I just want to balance things up a little and encourage another type of gameplay other than the "kill everyone on sight". Welp... -1 reputation and the reason is "Carebear"... some people don't have text comprehension.
  12. no need to be that harsh dude... what's your problem? I still would like to hear some well manered feedback, maybe I'm wrong, but you can point things in a better way and maybe we can found a nice solution togheter, but let's discuss things over, (almost) everyone around here are trying to improve this mod/game, some others, well, don't.
  13. As I stated in another thread, here's what I think it could be the easiest and fun way to go and stop all this "bandits are bad", "no enough zeds", "why should I be a survivor then?" problems. Copy/paste yeah.. -One thing you can actually do is, every time you killed another human being (survivor or bandit) you gain X ammount of aggro, more killings = more aggro, more zeds on you, making the game harder because of your decision to take a life. Go "hurr durr serial killer on bean coast" and your aggro goes up to the roof... and then I want to see you trying getting to a city to grab some food or whatever, you better team up boy. And by doing so (cooperating, helping another guy, etc) you decrease, let's say, half that aggro you initially get. So truly survivors won't have problems reducing fast that aggro they gain for killing a bandit, and in the other hand you put bandits in a nice spot, if they kill, they better be a good player... "If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough". This will only work if they put more zeds around (and by doing that they fix the "not enough zeds" "zeds are easy now" problem), put them not only in towns, you need to be watching over your shoulder all the time, and even more if you're a murderer. Altought there are certains things to check and fix before going this way, group of bandits helping each other continuously and exploiting the "decrease aggro" system, lone wolves (survivors or bandits) also need a chance to reduce their aggro on their own (but helping other indirectly at least) and hundreds of others things, but I really believe this is the way to go, not intrusive, not unfair, certainly real and the decision (as the consequences) is in YOUR hands all the time, so think twice before kill that guy.