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About TagMor

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  1. TagMor

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    pretty much this.
  2. TagMor

    New Food and Drinks Names

    vandalising our immersion for some lame self-gratification. I'm pretty disgusted to be honest.
  3. My complaint is that silent ammunition is used as a crutch for loot dynamics, and restricting the use of silent weapons; which does not adhere to reality.
  4. Thats nice and all, and I appreciate the mandatory spiel about SD ammo, but I'm talking about the specific firearms in DayZ and their real-life compatibly with both ammunition types. Maybe 200 years ago, or a situation where you are out of contact of human civilization. The setting of DayZ, however, is a post-apocalyptic area with plenty of remnants of human civilization and it's hard to believe that one could not find all of the appropriate clothing needed to be exposed to the apparently mild weather (no snow, extreme heat). Exacerbating the 'suspension of reality' is the fact that heat packs seem to be bugged and only raise one's temp after it has decreased to a critical level.
  5. TagMor

    Hackers are our friend

    The weird thing is you sound over 10 years old....
  6. The Alice Pack has more space than the Czech, when it is physically half the size. Silent Ammunition. (Are silenced weapons really that "OP" that they need to be controlled with "magical silenced ammunition"?). Fragility of vehicles. (Some private servers have modded the vehicles to be much more resilient to contact with objects and provide a much more realistic, and less frustrating experience.) The temperature system. Please feel free to add any.
  7. Scripters pretty much killed the public servers. (way to go turds). Look for private, locked servers.. Sometimes they have contact info in the server description which you can use to request the password.
  8. TagMor

    Unconscious spawning bug

    Happening to me too. Guess we just have to "deal with it". <_<
  9. I havent played for a week or so due to the vehicle/tent bug, hackers, and artifact glitch. Pretty obvious that Dayzmod has turned into a dumping ground for the standalone, with devs focusing on testing new features instead of actually making the mod playable for the community. Pretty sad too.
  10. TagMor

    How to move as a Bandit?

    So far I've tried the hatchback, pick-up, atv, bicycle, and dirt bike. Bicycle is my favorite - quiet, fast, doesnt use fuel, repairs itself, and with a little practice on the controls you can gun through forests at full speed. I've got a dirt bike with red rims and flames on the fueltank which would be a close second, albiet for the badass factor. Also from the little experience I have, it seems like the bicycle and motorbike wheels have a smaller hitbox (maybe the tyre?) than the 4+ wheel vehicles.