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Everything posted by terryrj@gmail.com

  1. terryrj@gmail.com

    Banned from Us 1548 for having hacked items in tents.

    Actually I find this funny that you think I'm him.
  2. terryrj@gmail.com

    Banned from Us 1548 for having hacked items in tents.

    Let me start by saying I have NO affiliations with anyone in this thread and acting as a UNBIASED 3rd party. The facts (as far as I can see): - admins banned a group of people all in same group for hacked weapons in tent - someone in group spawned items into game The problems... - Only the player who spawned the items should be banned. - Players banned for using/having illegal weapons. Please note that Rocket the CREATOR of DayZ has clearly stated that people that are USING illegal items are NOT to be banned/kick. Server owners do pay for their servers however if they want their servers to be linked to the HIVE they must follow the rules set by Rocket. Server admins in this case had 3 options.... but they chose to go with a 4th. Option 1) Look at logs and ban the ones using scripts. Option 2) Shutdown the server and do Option 1. Option 3) Do nothing NOT an Option 4) Ban everyone in group, then do Option 1 and unban the rest. This can be fustrating for admins and I sympatize. I don't agree with having hacked items eighter and that Rocket needs to do the following in order: 1) Any players that have hacked items should have them replaced with the closest item. I.e. AS50 TWS-> AS50 ect.... Cause they may have just found them in game. 2) If someone spawns an illegal weapon or picks up one dont save it to the HIVE. I.e. Blacklist the items from the database.