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About digilypse

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. digilypse

    Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

    Confirming that this isn't fixed. Lost backpack contents changing into and out of bandit skin. Can we just do away with the bandit skin until it's fixed?
  2. digilypse

    Ladders: The true scourge of DayZ

    It isn't just about having your pistol out. I've died twice now to ladders, both times I had my main weapon out and held down w. Last night I fell trying to get up a hunter's stand. I took a tiny bit of damage and started bleeding, didn't have a bandage on me, ended up losing a full set of gear including an M4 with 6 mags because I couldn't get a bandage in time. Not a big fan of ladders.
  3. Yeah, it's fine to have some better opportunities for loot away from the starting areas to provide a moderate incentive to travel, but without funneling people into certain areas by making the rewards so disparate. I understand that the main issue is the number of item spawn points at the airfield rather than only being able to get loot there? Maybe certain areas could have lower respawn rates; some way to make it more viable to search elsewhere. More chance to find a more diverse range of military gear and ammo in out-of-the-way non-military complexes might be good, too.
  4. On that note, are the SW and NW airfields really the only places with quality loot spawns? That seems to take some of the fun out of progression knowing the only way to "level up" is to go to one of two pvp zones, rather than searching across the map.