Hey guys, I'm just going to leave some DayZ SA videos that I have created, a series I suppose I'll call it, (There's no story leading in between them however). Featuring mixed gameplay of different styles, hero and bandit, this is footage recorded by me, aCondiment, playing with Lucicus, and Mithykal, and on a few occasions a few others, (Avalontreman in the first group play video) Feedback is appreciated, and thanks for watching if you end up doing so! If you are interested in more content, leave a sub on the youtube page HardlyProfessional! http://www.youtube.com/user/HardlyProfessional DayZ - Hands Held High (Bandit Hunting)
DayZ - Rain (Mixed Hero/Bandit Gameplay)
DayZ - Land of confusion (Bandit Gameplay)
DayZ - First Group play (With AvalonTreman)