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About stelthtaco

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  1. stelthtaco

    GTX 770 Best Driver?

    I've been having some trouble with my 770 drivers. The first driver (320.18) that came out seems to be the best for Arma, but not for other games because of things like NVIDIA Camo for BF3. With the newest driver (326.41 BETA), i have choppy frames and lots of freezing. So i was just wondering what drivers you other 700 series card owners use.
  2. stelthtaco

    High End Gaming PC, FPS Locked Around 30

    Lol, that's the exact same one that i have. I've only been having this problem recently since i just got it 2 days ago. But my GT 630 ran it better.
  3. stelthtaco

    High End Gaming PC, FPS Locked Around 30

    Done, also could you tell me what GPU driver version you are using?
  4. stelthtaco

    High End Gaming PC, FPS Locked Around 30

    CPU is running around 42C, and GPU running at 47C Edit, that's with several application open including ARMA
  5. stelthtaco

    High End Gaming PC, FPS Locked Around 30

    I have done all of that already, and my internet is 20MBS with 40ms, also turning down any setting does not help. I turned down Anti-aliasing and PPAA and gained 0 fps. And the frames aren't exactly "capped". They can't seem to reach over 40 at max. They average at around 33 but go up to 40 and then drop to 20
  6. Hey, so no matter what setting i play at, whether it be all maxed out, or all minimum, i can't seem to get over 30FPS. Even when i put my resolution to 600x400 i still only get 30 frames. Now the frames isn't the part i care about too much, but there's stuttering and freezing with it. The game with freeze for a couple of milliseconds and then continue every 5 seconds or so. I have tried several servers out of DayZ, as well as in it. I can play games like Battlefield 3 all maxed with 60FPS locked. I am using 320.49 drivers for GPU and have tried 326.19, with no luck. I5 3570K GeForce GTX 770 8GB DDR3 1TB HDD
  7. sounds great. adding you on skype now!
  8. I'm just looking for a few people to play DayZ with. nothing serious, just for fun. here is the requirements: ---------------------------------------------------------- - Must be between 12-15 - Must have Skype and Steam - Must not be TOO serious - Must HAVE FUN! ---------------------------------------------------------- Skype: stelthtaco Steam: ipodtaco & stelthtaco
  9. stelthtaco

    Looking for some people to play with.

    Skype: stelthtaco Fav music: Dubstep
  10. stelthtaco

    looking for people to play with

    what is your skype?
  11. stelthtaco


    the radio is a one in a million chance to find. its so rare its not even on any loot tables. only like 3 people have legitimately found one
  12. this has nothing to do with hackers. for some reason there is a bug that will sometimes spawn you back at the coast with all your gear
  13. stelthtaco

    Wrong server version?

    the DayZ server versions are 1.7.2.X and the 1.62.XX is the version of your ArmA 2
  14. stelthtaco

    heli keep revert to Skaz on server restart?

    the spawning at the coast with all your gear is a bug in and im not sure about the helicopter