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Everything posted by SPQRBentley

  1. SPQRBentley

    whats your favorite gun for slaying survivors

    I never truly have a problem with the mackie, it just involved luck of the draw and aim. Good looks with the crossbow though, I can never get a decent shot with that thing for some reason.
  2. SPQRBentley

    whats your favorite gun for slaying survivors

    0-100: Makarov 100+: Zig-zag run with an axe.
  3. SPQRBentley

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name: Bentley Steam name: Wintercomet Age: 22 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): EST Mic: Yup, and TS How long you've been playing: About a month Your preferred role and/or weapon: Point or Vanguard. Typically the winchester or revolver. Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Leaning towards hero.