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About justafkbro

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. justafkbro

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Yeah it's pretty dumb that every person I see in game has an as50 and a l85. The only ppl that vote no are of coarse bandit kiddies
  2. justafkbro

    Tents deleting all my items

    ok check this out. i think i figured out the problem, tents for me at least only save the items i put in on my FIRST save. any items i add after that wont save and will disappear. at every server restart the contents from the first save will all be there. im pretty sure same with vehicles. i also found a temp fix for adding stuff. what you need to do is throw a couple tents[at least one] inside the tent you freshly put down. anytime you get new gear that u want in your tent you have to make a new tent. ALSO if all of your tents are disappearing and you havent died, try waiting for a server restart or 2 and they WILL still be there. happened to me a couple times tents always end up back so if youve moved camps or tents check your old tent locations they might still be there. hope this helped.